Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Switched to tea/honey from coffee/creamer because I was trying to cut out processed foods and.boy am I hooked! Can't drink coffee anymore!
Just out of interest, wouldn't tea be considered a processed food as well?
Sunrise is still way too early for me to get up. Maybe in a month or two.

:lau totally with you! I am currently in the dilemma, of it is a bit warm at night, I would like to sleep with the window open, so that I can fully enjoy my big feather comforter, BUT for a breeze the shade must be up, but then the light wakes me up much earlier than I would like. Ah well, we will probably only have 4 more days of warmth before the cold comes.

:confused: and we haven't yet gathered and wood :confused: "Houston, we have a problem"

Switched to tea/honey from coffee/creamer because I was trying to cut out processed foods and.boy am I hooked! Can't drink coffee anymore! :yiipchick

Just out of interest, wouldn't tea be considered a processed food as well?

Organic coffee, locally roasted and heavy cream.... Or with honey, or ...... Just a lovely hot black.

It is the non-dairy creamer that is full of all sorts of unpronounceable things.
Quote: Organic coffee, locally roasted and heavy cream.... Or with honey, or ...... Just a lovely hot black.

It is the non-dairy creamer that is full of all sorts of unpronounceable things.
We've "only" lived here for about a year, so naturally we haven't gotten around to hanging up curtains. I've learned to live with the light though. You are actually pretty much enjoying the same light conditions as I am. Sunrise was 0513 today.

Non-dairy creamer? That sounds like a scary thing. Some good things come from silly EU regulations, you can't use the word "cream" in a products name if it isn't actually cream. One of the most popular sausage brands got in a spot of trouble here when we joined the EU. According to EU standards, their sausage was actually a pastry. They've since upped the meat content to comply with standards.

Yep, see I sell first, (to cover feed costs), and then we get to eat. Right now though, we have a bunch of fish to we aren't starving, but
I sure am starting to miss eggs!


What teachick said! SUPER cute little girl! I used to grow out the Monarch butterflies when I lived in Texas. Grew out a couple swallowtail too, but they were trickier, the Monarchs are easy peasy. Good to know other people do the same.

That makes sense. We free range to cover feed costs.

Actually, our eggs are so much better than what we can get in the stores here, that we count the money we save eating our own eggs as covering feed costs.
Yeah, there's no way fish makes up for eggs in my book!

Ah, spiced bundt-cake and a cup of coffee. Now if I could only break that broody.

Spiced Bundt Cake and a cup of coffee?
Who cares about the broody???

I was told that collecting their eggs and putting golf balls in their place can break a broody. The golf balls don't heat up like "live" eggs, so the broody figures there's no point in brooding.

Hi it was such a lovely sunny morning yesterday, I always love to have a coffee just as the sun is up and the chooks are out peaceful and calming.

First: We
you to BYC and to the coffee- and chooks- a-holics thread. =D
Also, that scene sounds sublime!!! I wish we got up early enough to have coffee while the sun comes up...sigh
I thought you just leave the chickens out and let them decide where it's the safest?
I'd hate to lock them up and get a direct hit.

Not letting me quote...This was about tornadoes.

Oh, now I get it. You meant to let the chickens decide where it's safest to weather a tornado.
That sounds wise; I'd hate for my chickens to blow away in a coop that I built to keep them safe. I hope we don't get any tornadoes anyway! I hope none of us get any!!!

Switched to tea/honey from coffee/creamer because I was trying to cut out processed foods and.boy am I hooked! Can't drink coffee anymore!

I drink my coffee with honey (and half & half and usually coconut oil). Coffee isn't anymore processed than tea; I like both!!!
totally with you! I am currently in the dilemma, of it is a bit warm at night, I would like to sleep with the window open, so that I can fully enjoy my big feather comforter, BUT for a breeze the shade must be up, but then the light wakes me up much earlier than I would like. Ah well, we will probably only have 4 more days of warmth before the cold comes.

and we haven't yet gathered and wood
"Houston, we have a problem" Sounds like the voles need to be summoned......
Organic coffee, locally roasted and heavy cream.... Or with honey, or ...... Just a lovely hot black.

It is the non-dairy creamer that is full of all sorts of unpronounceable things.
x2 about the coffee and cream and all. I hate eating unpronounceable things!!!

We've "only" lived here for about a year, so naturally we haven't gotten around to hanging up curtains. I've learned to live with the light though. You are actually pretty much enjoying the same light conditions as I am. Sunrise was 0513 today.

Non-dairy creamer? That sounds like a scary thing. Some good things come from silly EU regulations, you can't use the word "cream" in a products name if it isn't actually cream. One of the most popular sausage brands got in a spot of trouble here when we joined the EU. According to EU standards, their sausage was actually a pastry. They've since upped the meat content to comply with standards.

I like the call it what it is and not what it's imitating attitude!!!
Sausage that can be confused with pastry??? Hmmmm....
:confused: and we haven't yet gathered and wood :confused: "Houston, we have a problem."

Same here. But where I am we should still have a good two months.....DH thinks he's going to have a forced air propane heater installed and plumbed before winter starts so he won't go get the permit to cut this year. I don't want to pay per cord.

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