Smoky Mtn East TN

Can anyone suggest a good quality incubator that doesnt take up a huge amount of space? I have been using the tsc one but havent had much luck in hatching multiple species as in they are fine for turkeys but very low on ducks even with fertility checks.
I think brinsea incubators are the bees knees. I have a brinsea 20 Eco so I have to turn the eggs, but all you do is rock the whole thing back or forward to a different position. Don't have to open it an fool with the eggs. Super easy to use so far and holds temp like a champ even when the room they are in fluctuates between 60-80 degrees or so. Anyway it's a thought..oh and the brinsea Eco 20 actually holds 24 chicken eggs so..don know why it is called the 20
Hope this is okay to do here....our rooster passed away yesterday. I wonder if anyone has an extra young guy that needs a home. Not too fussy about breed, just that he not be agressive. I'm fond of mutts. I live in rural Blount County, Seymour/Walland.


I live in WNC and have an awesome young cockerel that needs a new home with hens of his own. He's very polite and attentive to the end he shares now with our other rooster, but we have too many. He's a little larger than bantam sized and is a barnyard mix. Hasn't tried to flog me and hasn't even fighting with anyone else...he's white with some gold colored patches above his wings. Just looks white though
chicklex so sorry things have not work out for you. Hopefully in the future they will and you can have chickens again.

We have been busy here at our farm. Got a new but old dog kennel. Have put it up for a new larger chick pen. So chicks this year will have 5 x 10 pen instead of 4 x 4. We were able to keep coop outside and have it open into the pen. All we need to do now is put the smaller wire on the bottom and get the top bar for top fencing. Then no more losses to hawks. :)

Just turned on incubator to put in eggs today. I only have 5 hens now but I have this far 26 eggs to hatch and will add more in a week. :) i am so happy about all this.
cybercat- congrats on the new hawk proof pen and setting eggs. I just hatched out 21 fuzz balls here. They are so cute but I will not be able to keep them all. They are from my EEs.
I used to just use ten gallon tanks for small or small numbers of chicks for brooders and always worked out well, though heard plastic totes were better they never worked as well somehow, and maybe the keeping in of humidity.. ??? my buddy switched his to an aquarium and theyre doing better aside from fact he took off the heat lamp and their wterer is making part of the tank soggy. he had gotten another silkie mix, this one cause its silver and he felt bad its beak was cut wrong and bleeding, and its beak is still red and it doesnt eat well and very tiny compared to rest that are now thin bean poles, even though he got real feeder and waterers. my buddy who got the pigeons from me said he will tell me when his bantam ameracuanas start laying and he gets chicks, as ive been going around town and looking at homes (with no luck, as building codes ect here are seeming to be less enforced or worse than when was in mo-town).

I haven seen muscovie ducks anywere (and i was looking for a while, before moved to sevierville), but only place saw was the morristown monthly flea market, were most lots looked good, but didnt want to pay prices for the black adults that werent tame, from one seller, or white ducklings to adults from other.

think the lovely ducks visiting, have given my birds extreame cases in some, mostly the parlors (non flying rollers and tumblers), feather mites and roundworms. ive heard diatamacious earth will rid them of both problems if allowed to use as grit and to dust bath in, but im curious as always to get real feedback from local people. anyone know anything or have tried with good or bad results? i recently only found out about it being newly sold here, because a newer neighbor put it all over his apt to kill roaches and bedbugs ect.. type he has says it human grade food quality and safe for children and pets to ingest by mouthfulls supposedly on label with USDA seal.

cute chicks!

sad to here you have to part with your chickens again..
well the kittens are starting to make "tootsie rolls" lol as i call them, are pee litter trained, but cannot find out yet which one is leaving tootsie rolls occassionally in odd places like top of cat tower.. but other than that they are finally starting to eat dry food, and getting ready to go to new homes as soon as theyre weaned ect totally, if anyone wanting any. ill have three or four, depending on if my freind and roomate wants to keep one, and the fifth one ill probly end up keeping, as its attached to me, follows me everywere, and does this thing like little kids do sitting on butt and raising/stretching front paws up at me over and over until i pick it up (which i always have to when see that display). ill be honest, two kittens are pretty vocal, so youd have to love that to take them. one i call hisser is already a mouser in making as he fights off the the other kittens when mamma brings mice for them (the mice maybe why they were not eating the dry food, as they also love eating the bugs they catch and she was bringing before she went into heat again and i now keep her inside again), and has been licking his lips looking at my new "white dove release" racing homers since his eyes first opened, and he intially and when scared will hiss and spit, raising up and charging (he has been hissing at me since he was born, but loves me and m roomate, just hisses at me only for some reason occassionally still. one we thought was one of nature's special little creatures, but now know she is just easy going at times, as well as the floofy one of the litter. two, twins pretty, much are black and white, and are a riot to watch as they wrestle continously if they are two close, and will fight over anything that one has, even if other has same, then they totally forget what they had or ignore it and just keep wrestling till they poop out. rest are grey brown tabbys, except my fave which has white chest and "mittens" also. txt or call if interested in getting pics or coming to see and get to know them for when theyre totally ready to go, though should be already but maybe im codling them.

eight six five - 208- 6815 steve
TNchick... (stacy, right?) ... that picture you use as your icon/avatar is great. LOL I like that. I don't like pink and I'm not big into tractors, but if I saw that as I went down a country road it would make me smile.

laughingdog... good luck with the kittens. I never have much luck finding good homes for the ones I get tamed down. I never have great luck at it. I can get them tame... but the finding homes part, that is the trouble.

Congrats to all those who just hatched... especially if it was your first run at it. Can you feel the addiction already building up in you? Soon every clean egg you see will look like a chick to you and you will feel compelled to hatch it. WHAHAHAHA
well ill have chickens again sooner than i thought, as my buddy who got some moved out of his gf's house, for now at least, and asked if i wanted them (last time they fought and he left, she all his/their caged pets starved, except the dog and ferret that were loose). not the chook breeds probly id chose to have but bantams at least, and i just cleaned the coop out to take over to him, along with some more supplies.. chickies for me! chickies for me! lets hope they dont start crowing too soon and land lord comes snooping and asking what i all have, even though all of my animals put together or seperate (even the pigeons. lol), are better behaved, cleaner, and quieter, than any one of any of my neighbors dogs are, at any given time, not to mention most of the neighbors themselves or most of their kids..
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