Smoky Mtn East TN

Hello fellow east tennesseeans. We are located in the Kingsport area. Just getting in to the world of backyard chickens. We are still in the construction phase of building a chicken tractor and plan on starting out with orps. Any idea of where we might purchase orps in the east tn area. We are hoping to buy pullets so as not to get any roos since we are in the city limits.

and thanks for stopping in with us. I am sure you will find someone selling Orps around our area.

I have LF Buffs and BBS more American type than English but they do have some English in them. I do not sell chickens but may cull some of mine at the end of the summer or fall. If you can find contrastphoto on here she is in the Gatlinburg area and I think she sells Orps. I also think there was someone around Jefferson City that had/has lavender and maybe someone in Greeneville (sp) had lavender, not sure.

Good luck and glad to have you with us.
Thanks for the info. Look forward to seeing you guys around. Anyone attending the animal swap at TSC on Saturday in kingsport
The 4h peeps seem to be selling starting to lay pullets, as been seeing signs up of for sale for bit now. one just saw up today at one of morristown co-op.
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Anyone have any personal feedback on the "rosecomb brown leghorns"? Or any leghorns kept or keeping in area? I'm disapointed with my gma's buff/golden "orps", and seems these two breeds meld looks i want with possible efficiency i want in layers.
For production layers we have buff orp and production reds. The production red are single comb - they have had leghorn bred into them. While they don't lay for as many years as my rose comb heritage RIR, they are great layers and forage well. I had a dozen last year who finally slowed down their laying at age 6, so they do lay more years than advertised if they are healthy birds.
Rosecomb heritage RIR? I'm curious.. any pics and info?

Just took some new pics this morning, need to get some posted. But there are plenty over on the HRIR thread.
The RC I have are the Underwood line - I love them. Very sweet and hardy. And excellent dual purpose.

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