Smoky Mtn East TN

When I let my chickens out of the coop, a barn swallow starts diving at them. I thought she may have a nest at the coop and was trying to protect them. I have looked all over and no nest. Could there be another reason the swallow keeps diving at my chickens?
I had no idea there was a thread for East TN...
As I go back through this thread and read previous posts I realize I know a few of you.
Hope it's ok to hijack a little late... always like meeting "local" chicken lovers.

& thanks for stopping by.
OK this is not chicken related but I have to tell someone. We are getting our tractor down from up in PA tomorrow. I did a auction on and got the price we had in mind.

Now what this means BIL will be down by end of month and new coops will be built then. :)
OK this is not chicken related but I have to tell someone. We are getting our tractor down from up in PA tomorrow. I did a auction on and got the price we had in mind.

Now what this means BIL will be down by end of month and new coops will be built then. :)

Congrats on both the tractor & new coops!
Nice chickens Little.

Well, tractor is now down here and chick coop is done. 25 chicks are out in it and we have 14 more hatch. As soon as BIL comes down end of month or start of next. He will be build more coops for me. Which is good for I have even more chicks getting ready to hatch. Oh and we have our first broody of the year sitting on about 8 eggs.
cybercat- congrats!

I have a first time broody Orp due to hatch next week. We are behind on coop building. I am really hoping with the upcoming long weekend to at least get started on the 2 coops for the buff & bbs Orps.

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