I've been thinking of you broodytood......I understand.

Thank you!
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I just found out tonight a friend I hadn't heard from or seen in almost 5 years passed away 2 years ago from cancer. She moved away from here to another state so no one would know what was happening to her. I hate to think she moved away from support that could have made her so much more comfortable and been there for her. I don't understand why she did it, but it was her choice.
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I'm so sorry!

The hardest part of my cancer for me is the sadness I know it afflicts on my family so I can understand why she did it.
I know that is not much consolation for you.
I didn't tell my family when either lump was found, I made arrangements with a friend to take me in for the lumpectomies and stuff. I guess we all handle it differently but there is no way I could have left my family and friends with no word, no warning, and no contact, leaving them to find out I'm dead years later.
I know that it would be very hard for me to tell my family as well if I was faced with it. After going through, first hand, what the family experiences I would keep it from them as lonng as I could in order to spare them as much time in heartache as was possible. I don't believe that I could up and move away from all my friends and loved ones though ans just leave them in a lurch, wondering.

WOF, I am so very sorry you had to find this out in the way you did, I am certain it's very hard on you. I agree that she must have missed a opportunity to have alot of valuable support around her durring that horrible fight.
I once took care of a lady who did not tell anyone of her cancer diagnosis until she had to go to the ER, at which point she was in multi system failure. I understand wanting to save loved ones the suffering, but her family was so *angry* with her. They only had three weeks together after everyone found out, and she never saw her home again. It was terrible for everyone.

I am sorry for the loss of your friend.
I know what you mean! I don't think there was a part of my body that hadn't had some kind of radioactive something put into when I was first diagnosed. Second time was even more. I been meaning to tell you, when I had the first PET I had picked up some arthritis I have in my neck and lower back. It's a very good possiblity that's all it is.

Deerman!! How you doing bud?!

Doc has given me the Marinol. I've already deleted a couple doses of the Gabapentin, decreased the Oxi!! and TOTALLY off one antipsychotic!
ok, it was effexor which I first started taking for hot flashes after my hysto years ago, but so far so good no flashes.

What's everyone else up to?
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