So, what do you do for your "chicken chores"? :D

1. wake up - open the barn door , collect eggs and .... throw them to the pig

2. put mama & 6 week old Megan In the Covered Run in the yard
3. THE DREADED PEAHEN TRANSFER!!Put the young Trio (2 chickens & a peahen) in the raised& covered Run on the deck
4. Rinse and bandage wounds from Peahens clumsiness

5. Inspect shirt , arms and pants for the peahens inevitable surprise(i guess i just scare it out of her
6.Feed, water, and lovin' gets distributed between everyone<--- this step takes the most time

Can take anywhere from 20 mins - 4 hours depending on if its my day off or not

I CANNOT WAIT for its to be just step 1 & 6
it should happen soon , within a few months , once everyones old enough to be integrated
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I have a total of 84 adult layers and roosters all in separate breeding pens, 61 adolescents to tyake over for next years breeding and laying, another 15 chicks day old to 1 week old (new breeds), 15 turkeys, 20 ducks, 3 geese, 15 guineas, 5 pheasants, 20 quail, 14 goats, 4 cats and a dog.
Needless to say, my chores start at 5AM M-F as I have a part-time job.

All inside chick waterers and crumble, litter box for cats, take the dog out and let the boy goats out..give grain, hay, check water. Check all back 8 pens food, water, collect eggs.
Fill all pop bottle waterers in front chicken pens 20, check all feed, and collect eggs.
Let the girl goats, ducks and geese out. Fill 5 bucket of water, give goats grain and hay, give ducks and geese feed (2 different areas), fill up small duck and goose pool.

Go to work

Start over again in the afternoon with same chores.
It's so fun... when my friends are like "UGH... I gotta go do chores" I'm like, "I love doing my chores!"

Okay... here it goes

I get up, let the chickens out, collect eggs, put the eggs away, turn on the hose, refill all waters and the feeder, play with them,
Then at night thye go into the coop by themselves and I just count ot make sure everyone is there

It takes me about 30-90 minutes

Sometimes I play with them longer
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I only have 3 chickens, so my list isn't too long.

1. Let them out of the coop, unless they already pushed the door open
2. Check water and feeder
3. Rinse waterer and refill
4. Fill feeder (usually twice a week)
5. They go into the coop at night on their own. I do a head count and shut the door.

All of that is probably 20-30 minutes.
Hmm, well ours it pretty simple so it's not a huge chore. Let everybody out, feed, water usually with somebody perched on my shoulder. I don't know why but they just love to be up higher than everybody else xD Then depending on the weather let them out to free range or just to keep them in their enclosure. Sadly no egg collecting yet still a little to young but I''m always hopeful. Recently we've been getting up at around 6:30 and I'm use to the hot weather but now it's 50 degrees in the morning and I'm putting on my coat while my husband just stares and says "The chickens are rubbing off on you because you're becoming a chicken it's only 50 degrees! Be tough,"
My night routine:

Get all of the chickens off their partially covered run (soooo, now they are able to fly on top of it
) roof, get all the chickens out of the trees, shut the door. Close big chicken's door, they aren't naughty, so I don't have to get them off of the roof
. Put Silkies up, and check their feed and water. Collect more eggs......
6:30 am (On my way to work) - open 5 pop-doors to let everyone into their runs & a quick check on feed, water & anything amiss

8:45 am (after 1st bus run-I drive a school bus
) - clean water, fill feeders if needed on3 chicken pens & 1 Peafowl/Pheasant pens. Check ducks for feed and "decently" clean pool water. Give bread, cracked corn, treats, etc.

dusk - herd all birds that think they are going to sleep outdoors into the coops. We have MAJOR predator problems here. Clean and fill all waters. Easier with the hose when everyone is locked in at night.

Total for the day: 45 - hour rushing or HOURS if I have time to hang with my PEEPS!
Depends on the day... Workdays : Open the door to the run, make sure they have food and water. 3-5 minutes. After work, let them out to free-range, collect eggs, food and water checked, give everyone a love. 5 minutes. Close up the coop usually around dark. If they've been out, they're perched on a ladder at the back of the coop and they like to be carried one by one into the coop. Say goodnight and give them all one last love! 5-7 minutes.

Non-work days: Open door to run, fill food and water. Hang out and play with the chicks (they need to get to know me, and learn to love being held!) 15 minutes. Visit about 2 times a day to say hi and collect eggs! 10 minutes per visit. If eggs have been laid, let them out to free-range. Same evening routine!
I actually made her a saddle that turned out to be a bit too big XD. I'm gonna fix the straps and make them a bit tighter so she can't take it off, but right now i want her to heal first, grow back the feathers on that bald spot (you can't see it normally, but the area on both sides of her hips where the wound is are bald, and feathers are slowly growing back), and then I'll let her be around the cockerel again

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