SOOOOOO stinkin mad at my daughter I could spit nails!

My sister went through this with her daughter a few years ago. Sister took everything out of daughter's room except for mattress and a few clothes. She even took the bedroom door off the hinges. She would take the phone to work with her and had the tv unhooked and the comp. locked down. She locked up all the food and would leave cans of soup or beans for daughter. It got old pretty fast.
Daughter got a job and went back to school and got a teaching degree. Daughter says she owes everything to her mother for loving her enough to lay down the law and mean it.
That is probably too long unless you are seeing real effort in finding a job or doing all the work at home. I am assuming that there is no way at this time of the year for her to start school.
Ms. Sonoran: Public school is impossible to get into but if you signed up for a satellite school, of which there are many here, she could go, so it is not impossible. She sent me a message (still know not to come home) and said she is looking, but who REALLY knows.

As far as removing everything, all she would do is leave. And leave all her crap here, and a big mess to boot. I guess that is when we can start bagging it up. Dang it all to hell!!! She has her own computer she bought with her money from a car accident settlement. She has no phone, I cut that off. She already has no TV in her room because NONE of the kids do. If they want it they can pay for it.

TOTALLY off topic: I smell horse poop.
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Even when you are angry... you still are funny. Have a cyber hug
I hope you feel better.

do you own a horse? check your shoes...if not...
something is not right.
There are accredited schools here that have satellite campuses - Univ of Phoenix, Chaffey College, Univ of AZ, etc. She really has no excuse.

ETA: College. She is 21.
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I am on #3.

I really, seriously, appreciate you folks. I never cease to get good information, alot of support and love from everyone! I am still thinking the tent is a great thing. I have a feeling she will just leave though. Without her stuff. Her leaving needs to be WITH her stuff so she gets it. She is OUT. She SAYS she is looking for a job. We are at 17% unemployment, and she already blew off one job! And hello honey. They ALL test.
What'd I say funny? I have two horses. Duke the Terrible and Duchess. And of course Duke prefers to play his games with me. Mustangs. Duchess is awesome and Duke is INCREDIBLY jealous if I give her attention. Weenie.

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