South Carolina

Ah, Joy, I know the feeling! I have been selling way more than I wanted to but needed to cut back because the days are so short I have a hard time cleaning the waters every day.
I shipped out a quad of my white bantam Cochins on Monday, they made it to TX in less than 24 hours and the new owner and I were thrilled with that.
Met some folks on FB and especially the Chicken Swap of SC that have come and bought some birds and have someone else due tomorrow to come get about 12 pullets and roo.

Come Feb. I will be itching to have more as the days lengthen and I have more time but for now it is rush, rush, rush all day to get them watered, fed, cleaned and cared for each day. The church brought us our supper last night because I could not make it to the church when they were ready to serve it. I felt bad that they drove down from Landrum but they have been a true blessing during this time when Terry hasn't any income. He is still fighting for his unemployment benefits.
Joy How are the Bobbi Porto eggs doing?

I know what you all mean about the shorter days. I do not have as many chickens as you all do. I just have so many chores that I can't get caught up. I am trying to get a pen for my new adult silkies finished today so I can move some of the new babies out of one brooder so I can give the older babies more room. OMG

I love my new adult silkies. I will post pics as soon as I can get time to take them.

Maybe in the spring.
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Hey Mary - I'm so disappointed in my eggs....I ordered 24 eggs and I only have 8 that are growing. Out of the other 16, there was one with a dead ring and the 15 others were completely clear. I'm really hoping that all 8 eggs will hatch, they're due this weekend so I'll let you know what happens. Been meaning to ask you about your pullet with the bad foot. What happened to her? Also, I received a jar of your honey as a Christmas gift and I'm NOT sharing it! It's the best honey ever. I was having a bad day yesterday, came in and sat down with your jar of honey and a spoon - attitude improvement.
It's really delicious so thank you for keeping all of those wonderful bees.
So I just saw on your website that you have BB red OEGB. If you ever have any extra pullets/hens let me know!

I actually lost my BB Red rooster last summer and only have my one little hen. Let me think about it, I may let her go as I REALLY must reduce my flock. I need more time to homeschool my kids.
So I just saw on your website that you have BB red OEGB. If you ever have any extra pullets/hens let me know!

I actually lost my BB Red rooster last summer and only have my one little hen. Let me think about it, I may let her go as I REALLY must reduce my flock. I need more time to homeschool my kids.

I'm sorry about your rooster! If you decide to let her go though I definately want her!
We were creeping towards page 2 again.

I suppose we are all pretty busy with our Christmas stuff.

I spent the afternoon looking at my new gorgeous birds from Nella Bean and trying to decide where to put them with respectable breeding partners. Bummer! That means more pens.

Merry Christmas season every one!
I don't understand the page 2 stuff??? How do you know we are headed to that and what does that mean? Does it trow our current posts to start back at page 2 and delete alllll this history? That would be a shame cause I read back sometimes too to refresh my mind on something...?
I officially finished the semester today! horray! turned in my last assignment and now I have a month off
That means more time with my DH and of course my chickies too! I was off work today and didn't know what to do with myself not having any schoolwork to do! So I got into the Christmas spirit and decorated the house. We got our tree earlier this week but haven't had a chance to decorate it until tonight. There's something about Christmas lights and the smell of a real tree that just makes me happy inside!! Now I need to find or make me some cute chicken ornaments! lol

My camera card has been MIA for a while so all I have is a cell phone pic but here's what I got done today:


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