South Carolina

i sure did enjoy myself tuday just now gettihg home. sold a few brouht back some but enjoyed every moment.met some new folks met patsy for the first time.any one that bought from me i want to say thank you
Sounds like you all had a wonderful day! Now if I could have just had it here......LOL I would have had lots of workers!

It does sound like it was fun and I wish we could have come. It would have been so much more fun than all we did here today.

I do have to make the journey next Sat. up to Lincolnton to make deliveries but I probably won't get to stay as long as I want to since I am sure there will be more I have to work on here. Blah.
I was there! For about 2 minutes then I was called home due to a stray horse trying to get run over in front of our property. Man, that cake looked good..... So what's happening next Saturday?
I'm glad that everybody had a great time at Chicken Swap!!!!!

Well I have Went CRAZY!!!! I asked earlier if anybody wanted free millefleur d'Uccles eggs and nobody really wanted....I just couldn't get rid of the (not sure if fertile) eggs so the bator is back on and I"VE GONE MAD!!!! Really if anybody wants to steak claim to any of these babies (if they hatch) Please Holla!!!

ALSO I want to get rid of one of my Older Mille Fleur d'Uccle Roos...Jasper actually (if you interested I can post pics) although my profile pic is Emmett but they look just alike.(Yes the names are from Twilight) and Soon one chick will be named Katniss(don't judge lol)

and ALSO...Looking for my BlueJG Roo a home if anybody is interested. Makes purdy babies he does!!!

and Joy-Let me know if you want one of the roo babies....I'm sending a message to that girl(soon) to come and get all the babies I can't keep(but I'm still holding on to those roos) BUT if you want girls too...I can box up everybody just for you(I'm not sure about the home they are going tooo...I'm alittle scared)(hope she ain't a lurker on here
) lol...

Anywho Holla if anybody wants anything listed....Wait I know where Jackie lives I could just do a "Drive By Chickening" anybody think she will notice, we can blame it on Preggo Brain
(Jackie you still on here lol)....
Congrats to all the winners.. There were some beautiful chickens there. I know I would have never been able to judge that one myself. Now I have to find a remedy for chicken fever..LOL.. All the wonderful chickens we bought from chicken swap are doing great.. My 2 silkie mixes are in the brooder playing and soaking up the rays... Stuart is out in the coop socializing with our BO and RIR chickens. They are all very happy to have a new friend and are getting along great..
Good Morning. My chicks will be 7 weeks on Monday. I am amazed at how quickly they have grown and how beautiful they are. I have a BLRW and she is the sweetest bird. Is this typical temperament for a BLRW? If so I would really like a few more. Does anyone have recommendations for local breeders in the state? I would rather drive(2-3 hr drive is fine) to pick them up then have them shipped. Thanks for the help!

Contact Jack (phoneman) here in BYC. He has some beautiful BLRWs!
Just want to say what a great time I had this morning at the TSC chicken swap! It was great seeing you again, Jack, and all your absolutely beautiful birds! And what a great time I had meeting new folks, too!

Samantha - you did a fantastic job of coordinating the whole thing with the TSC folks! Kudos! :)

My little Buttercup didn't win anything, but she put smiles on a lot of faces - and that makes it worth it. :)

And, who can go to a swap without bringing something home? LOL - Just had to have one of those gorgeous wheaten Ameraucana babies from Jack to bring home. She will be going in the Ameraucana breed pen when she gets a little bigger.
Congrats to all the winners.. There were some beautiful chickens there. I know I would have never been able to judge that one myself. Now I have to find a remedy for chicken fever..LOL.. All the wonderful chickens we bought from chicken swap are doing great.. My 2 silkie mixes are in the brooder playing and soaking up the rays... Stuart is out in the coop socializing with our BO and RIR chickens. They are all very happy to have a new friend and are getting along great..

Thanks for the update, our little Cricket who came home all alone is not handling it so well. SHe is looking for all her friends. Even though we had them out with our flock, they kinda kept to each other. Cricket has to find a new friend now.
Thats why we did it peoples choice and tried to get everyone to vote...I spent the day asking people to look at the bright colored numbered cards and to go by the bake sale table to vote for us!! I wish it had been bigger but it is a new thing for the area and it was short notice planned! It was fun !
Congrats to all the winners.. There were some beautiful chickens there. I know I would have never been able to judge that one myself. Now I have to find a remedy for chicken fever..LOL.. All the wonderful chickens we bought from chicken swap are doing great.. My 2 silkie mixes are in the brooder playing and soaking up the rays... Stuart is out in the coop socializing with our BO and RIR chickens. They are all very happy to have a new friend and are getting along great..

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