South Carolina

Sorry ...ment to tell you about tape...that is how I separated them as I took out of different bators so I would not get any mixed up...a couple from that pen looked more like the Mille side of things....and they were too tiny for bands! I use the paper med tape because it isn't as sticky and comes off easy!! If you had noticed I had the Amers banded so they were not confused with EEs also! LOL
Joy congrats on the new dog. As for the other forum
. No idea where everyone has gone. I try to keep up, but its a busy time and nothing exciting happening here, Just farm work.

Sam did a fabulous job, and TSC was very pleasant. Weather was perfect too. I didnt get over to see the bake sale goods, but the cake we brought was sold. Hope it was good.

It was great meeting new people and meeting face to face BYC folks we have chated with. We brought home a couple of baby chicks from Sam, and they are settling in well. BTW SAm, was the tape on them meaningful to you? I assume it was ok to remove it, didnt know how it did as they grow.

DOnt know if we will make Chicken stock next Saturday, we have lots to do here. mostly building.
Sorry ...ment to tell you about tape...that is how I separated them as I took out of different bators so I would not get any mixed up...a couple from that pen looked more like the Mille side of things....and they were too tiny for bands! I use the paper med tape because it isn't as sticky and comes off easy!! If you had noticed I had the Amers banded so they were not confused with EEs also! LOL

ETA: I hatch those eggs in separate bators along with any other breed I have multi colors so I can easily tell the chicks apart! With some of my colors the chicks hatch soo close in color I worry about selling the wrong thing and keep separate bators and brooders! I have seen chicks sold by a breeder who sold the wrong thing because of mix up...and its not gonna happen with my chicks!!
Sam, I kinda figure it was some sort of identification method, Not having that many eggs incubating, nor breeds, I can only imagine the complication to not mix up chicks. You have certainly giving me ideas on how to deal with it, when the time comes.

SO far the chicks are doing well. Looking forward to seeing them feathered out. I hope they will be able to go in with Cujo in a couple of weeks. Cujo really needs to learn to be with other chickens.

Nikki, what can I say, men
From Waterloo, SC. glad to see more people from around here.

Welcome! Glad you found us and glad to have you! Lots of us in the area when you go to lookin'. Hope to meet you sometime! I am towards Donalds but get thru Waterloo a lot. My Daughter lives that way (dixiebeast) and there is momd29 hailing from Waterloo too...lots close as well...some from Gray Court, Hickory Tavern, Hodges, Cross Hill...etc!

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