South Carolina

Dixiebeast or Patsy29332.....are you around?

Someone here is looking for a couple of young (16 weeks or so) EEs/OEs in the Greenville area. I told her you were in Greenwood and have nice birds....
I've had a rotten couple days... My hubby got home a couple minutes before me yesterday and prepared me for what he just found in the backyard... a big pile of feathers. My chickens usually roam the property outside the chain link backyard. Our three dogs spent the afternoon inside the chain link backyard. I blamed the death on the younger weimeraner, due to his lustful looks at the birds. He behaves while supervised, and the critters have never been unsupervised together. Even if the hen was in the backyard when I put the dogs out, she could have easily flown the fence. So I don't know what the deal was. What struck me as extra odd was that there was an egg in the pile of feathers. I found my poor hen's insides a several feet away, it looked like it had been rolled around in the sand, just one big lump of body. So my poor cream legbar roo has lost his lady love. :(

I wanted to sleep in as much as I could this morning, due to working an overnight shift tonight. But no, the old weimeraner had to pee, so I got up to let them out. I have to walk outside to show the dogs to the backyard, since the backyard is not right outside the door. So the dogs head for the backyard, and I glance at the crate where my two cream legbar pullets are chilling... and there's a 4 1/2 foot rat snake INSIDE the cage with them. He's already tried to swallow one pullet but couldn't get her down, so she's dead in the corner. The other pullet is sitting stock still on her roost bar, praying that he doesn't think she's skinnier. I start freaking out. I gotta get the remaining pullet out, and kill this murderous serpent. Luckily I have a spare crate nearby, so I grab a little rake and use the handle to hold down the snake's head while I try to reach in and grab this screaming chicken. All the guns I can get my hands on are way overkill for this dude. Hubby's already gone to work, so I call my snake-happy neighbor to come dispose of it.
After all that fun, I laid down on the couch to catch a nap before I had to start getting ready for work. I'm a half hour into my nap when dog heaving brings me right to. Old weimeraner isn't feeling hot, so I kick them all outside for a while. I laid back down, his incessant barking is driving me bonkers so I let them back in. Again, he starts heaving, but this time brings up a ball of feathers on the rug. So I guess he wasn't completely innocent in the goings-on yesterday. I hope those quills rubbed on the way up. Ugh.

I don't think I'm going to replace the cream legbar pullet just yet, since I still have one left. I would, however, like to find a silver laced wyandotte hen to replace my other girl, since I do have a matching roo (even though she didn't want anything to do with him- she loved her cream legbar man, haha). She had just started laying, she was just over 4 months old. Anybody in the CSRA have one they'd like to sell me?
Fellowship Farm, I do not have SLWs but just wanted to tell you how sorry I am that you lost your girls in such a way. Some dogs just have a strong chase drive and cant seem to resist unsupervised. So sorry for your loss...hope you find what you are looking for soon.
I have Araucanas and Crested Cream Legbars. But when I was selling those hens I had barred rocks, Rhode island reds and leghorns. I was breeding sex links primarily. Some purebred chickens.

But dogs got about 2/3 of my breeding stock this summer. So I don't even have pullets growing up so I have replacement pullets for this fall. *sigh*

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