Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Hi! What's up with all of us on steroids?! I had to do a 3day infusion. I'm going through a big flare up right now, and it's sucky and scary but - don't hate me - it's finally spring here. 75F and sunny. I am hopeful it is all a good sign. I watched the hens run around in the sunshine having dust baths today and it was just such a relief. I am in touch with Suzanne on FB a bit and she's busy with her new job, such a good thing since she really loves teaching. I hope Maggie is ok, haven't heard from her in ages.

I'm doing a good job of resisting the chicks at all the feed stores here. I'm holding my breath and waiting a year or two to start adding more so I can get eggs more consistently. As it is I am already getting way more eggs than I can handle from my pullets. They are very busy ladies! I knew the leghorn would be like this, but I didn't know the Wyandotte and the red sex link would be such producers too. I need to build a chicken tractor so I can stop worrying about them being outside though. The coops on this site are all a little too complicated for me though. I need something that can be put together by a five year old, lol.
Glad to hear from you Carolyn, how great is having a personal trainer. I joined a gym a couple months ago . I really needed to get back into it both for physical and mental reasons.

Al I'm jealous , I want a grand baby. JealouS of you also Heather. We so need warm weather.

Carolyn, good to hear from you! Sorry you are having to deal with PMR. I can relate to the prednisone. I started on 60 mg back in september for TAK and am just now tapered to 10 (I am down 2.5 every other week now as long as the arteries stay patent). I am anxious for the warm weather in the hopes that I don't hurt quite so much.

I think everyone gets mice sooner or later. This winter has been so cold they are desperate for food and warm. My roosters have been seen with several mice in the past few days. I have never seen one (or evidence of one) in the coop, but I think they live under and around it. They don't last long out there, that is for sure.

TAK, as in "Takayasu" ? When I read your post, I did a web search for the meaning of TAK and am glad I did. Remarkable how the Fates steer us in directions that we need to go. Anyway... am hoping that your TAK diminishes its attacks in duration, frequency and intensity. Such a bummer. I too started on 60mg back in August. I hope your idea that warm weather will ease the muscle aches proves true. For both of us. and for Al, whose posts indicate that he's also dealing with a similar related arthritis condition.

A month or two ago, I started putting two and two together and wondered if there were an inordinate number of us chickenkeepers all on prednisone/steroids and so I posted a question on BYC asking about that.

Here's that post of mine (and I got ten replies.):
One of our members happened to mention in a private email to me that she is taking prednisone for her rheumatoid arthritis; and then I read another post from another member who was on prednisone for her inflammatory condition, and another who was taking it for her autoimmune condition.

I've been taking prednisone daily and will have to be on it for at least a year; my condition is polymyalgia rheumatica; very painful. All of those conditions are similar and related. All of us are privately wondering why and how their particular condition began. I've been imagining all sorts of triggers: Did I get this condition because of something I eat, or because of something in my environment, or because it's familial, or because of lack of sleep? stress? coffee? sugar substitutes? hair spray? diet meal packets? If we knew what caused the condition, we'd know what to do to cure the condition.

One prednisone-taking member wondered aloud to me if she could possibly be allergic to her backyard chickens. She said her condition got much worse each time she visited a poultry show. She's on her way to finding an allergy specialist to get herself medically tested.

I'm thinking of doing the same thing. But the reason for this post is to find out how many of us chicken-keeping people are taking prednisone. It's an anti-inflammatory medication and is used for all sorts of immune system conditions: lupus, scleraderma, allergies, hives, as well as rheumatoid arthritis and polymyalgia rheumatica, etc. It's a "magic" pill and reverses the muscles' inflammation so thoroughly that the pain is gone. As long as you keep taking the prednisone.

I'd be sad to give up my chickens, but long term use of prednisone has so many dangerous side effects, (osteoporosis, high blood sugar and diabetes, stomach bleeding, etc.) it would be wonderful to be cured just by getting rid of our chickens.

Please post a reply if you keep chickens and have developed a condition that's being treated with prednisone.


I did in fact go to an Allergist/Immunologist last month and she ordered a lab to take a lot of my blood so they could test me for allergies to 25 things, including chicken feathers. All came back negative. But then again, she said that the prednisone that I'm taking pretty much renders the testing invalid. I'm of the belief that the extremely virulent head cold that I had last summer was a virus and was the specific trigger for the Polymyalgia Rheumatica. I've had Raynauds for decades, so kind of already started down the autoimmune road.
Hi! What's up with all of us on steroids?! I had to do a 3day infusion. I'm going through a big flare up right now, and it's sucky and scary but - don't hate me - it's finally spring here. 75F and sunny. I am hopeful it is all a good sign. I watched the hens run around in the sunshine having dust baths today and it was just such a relief. I am in touch with Suzanne on FB a bit and she's busy with her new job, such a good thing since she really loves teaching. I hope Maggie is ok, haven't heard from her in ages.

I'm doing a good job of resisting the chicks at all the feed stores here. I'm holding my breath and waiting a year or two to start adding more so I can get eggs more consistently. As it is I am already getting way more eggs than I can handle from my pullets. They are very busy ladies! I knew the leghorn would be like this, but I didn't know the Wyandotte and the red sex link would be such producers too. I need to build a chicken tractor so I can stop worrying about them being outside though. The coops on this site are all a little too complicated for me though. I need something that can be put together by a five year old, lol.

Wow, Heather. You too on steroids.?! Oy; I hate to see so many of us on steroids. See the post that I just now put up. Hope you're flare up goes away quickly and that you're soon feeling better in your delicious warm Texas weather. I can't wait to get all the winter tarps off the ChickArena. It is SO dusty in there, I've been wearing a respirator mask EVERY single time I go in the coop. Been doing that since the tarps went on back in November. As for an easy coop, how 'bout you just get a used dog house or playhouse and add a roosting board. You can put an old basket or turned-on-its-side bucket in there for a nesting box. Just add some shavings and you're done.

Stay well,
Carolyn, you are right about too many of us dealing with inflammatory/autoimmune diseases. Maybe we just all gravitate toward chickens.

My experience has been a long and drawn out one. It was classic autoimmune disease. Started with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, then Diabetes, and finally, Psoriatic arthritis. Took 15 years to get a diagnosis. Steroids don't work for me all the time. I've had injections in my hands and fingers that at times did nothing, or very little, to relieve the pain. I feel for all of you suffering with these related medical issues.
Ugh, this is kind of a bummer for all of us. I'm about to embark on my second course of 3day IV steroids; I hate it but I hate prednisone more which turns me into some kind of speed freak for a few days then comes the crash. I had a very long MRI and discovered a new lesion on my neck. I'm blaming the stress of the move and being off my meds briefly when I switched from an injection to an oral med. I have noticed a correlation between stress and autoimmune diseases, especially if you went through stress in your childhood, but of course that is all anecdotal evidence from people I know, and nothing statistically relevant. I think like Al said, we gravitate towards chickens because they are peaceful and calming. I know some of my best healing comes from leaving my phone inside the house and just plain hanging out with the hens for an hour or two. It's crazy I know to enjoy mucking out a coop but there is something wonderful about it. That and digging in the dirt.

I gathered some supplies for my chicken tractor at Lowe's yesterday, got home and just realized I already had four 2x8 boards in the garage. This will be an interesting experiment as I am so *not* knowledgeable about building. Cooking yes, building no. My dad gave me some advice over the phone. I am just hoping I don't take off a toe in the process! I'm not making a coop or nesting boxes, this is literally just a play pen I can put them in so they can eat grass and I don't have to worry about a hawk decimating them. Predators are a pretty big problem here. Although they are fun to look at. Last night the dog chased an armadillo across the back yard - those fat suckers can move! I'm sure it'll be back tonight to look for more grubs anyway. I'm more concerned about coyotes.

There are about 50 projects calling my name right now so I'll sign off. Carolyn I'm doubtful your system is reacting to the chickens if only because I think they are a stress reliever. So don't get rid of your hens yet. :)

take care,

PS There are many, many Cream Legbar breeders out here if anyone wants hatching eggs. Go on the Texas thread and ask about it. Maybe not show quality stock but if you want those blue eggs I think they are more likely to be blue layers than the easter eggers.
Ugh, this is kind of a bummer for all of us. I'm about to embark on my second course of 3day IV steroids; I hate it but I hate prednisone more which turns me into some kind of speed freak for a few days then comes the crash. I had a very long MRI and discovered a new lesion on my neck. I'm blaming the stress of the move and being off my meds briefly when I switched from an injection to an oral med. I have noticed a correlation between stress and autoimmune diseases, especially if you went through stress in your childhood, but of course that is all anecdotal evidence from people I know, and nothing statistically relevant. I think like Al said, we gravitate towards chickens because they are peaceful and calming. I know some of my best healing comes from leaving my phone inside the house and just plain hanging out with the hens for an hour or two. It's crazy I know to enjoy mucking out a coop but there is something wonderful about it. That and digging in the dirt.

I gathered some supplies for my chicken tractor at Lowe's yesterday, got home and just realized I already had four 2x8 boards in the garage. This will be an interesting experiment as I am so *not* knowledgeable about building. Cooking yes, building no. My dad gave me some advice over the phone. I am just hoping I don't take off a toe in the process! I'm not making a coop or nesting boxes, this is literally just a play pen I can put them in so they can eat grass and I don't have to worry about a hawk decimating them. Predators are a pretty big problem here. Although they are fun to look at. Last night the dog chased an armadillo across the back yard - those fat suckers can move! I'm sure it'll be back tonight to look for more grubs anyway. I'm more concerned about coyotes.

There are about 50 projects calling my name right now so I'll sign off. Carolyn I'm doubtful your system is reacting to the chickens if only because I think they are a stress reliever. So don't get rid of your hens yet. :)

take care,

PS There are many, many Cream Legbar breeders out here if anyone wants hatching eggs. Go on the Texas thread and ask about it. Maybe not show quality stock but if you want those blue eggs I think they are more likely to be blue layers than the easter eggers.

Amazing and thoughtful information. No, I'm not going to give up my chickens any time soon. Especially now that warm weather is imminent. When the winter tarps come off the ChickArena, the dust in there is almost non-existent so I won't be at risk for breathing all that stuff in. The girls are so pretty and I'm expecting two frizzles soon; Roberta has been raising them up for me until they are big enough to cope with my hens. Soon, soon. (The thought of having Cream Legbars is SO very tempting, but I'd need two prerequisites: I'd have to find a broody hen to hatch and raise them (I don't want to incubate and/or raise chicks) and they'd have to be Mareks vaccinated. So that pretty much eliminates me ever getting hatching eggs of any sort. Ah well... Has anyone ever bought a broody hen? and if so, did the stress of changing homes break her of her broodiness?
Ok. Chicks Anonymous here I come! Have over 30 so far viable eggs in the incubator with lock down on Tuesday....but was in Delhi and HAD to stop at the Tractor Supply; walked out with four silkies and two random pullets my daughter picked. Then had to stock up for them and the soon to hatch. Omg...I need help. Lol
Sherrillk, you have come to the right place for help... Muaaahaaahaaaa.... I have 25 coming in the mail in 2 weeks, 42 eggs going in the incubator on the 29th, and the TSC by me has khaki campbell ducks and I don't think i can resist going back for them.
I saw those ducks. Omg. So cute. Daughter wanted them. I escaped without one, barely. Jersey...I may need to visit you so we can commiserate together...and, uh, totally get off on seeing each others chicks!!! :)

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