Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Well, there it is.  Still have to hang up some activities for the girls and paint the front door.  We can't decide if it looks like a chicken coop or an exhibit at the Bronx Zoo!


Definitely a pro job, Suzanne. Bobby is quite the carpenter. I have coop envy, now!!
Why do I feel like none of my eggs are gonna hatch.
First time incubators anxiety I guess.
This is why I am no longer addicted to hatching chickens. Too stressful for me. Walk away - go outside, do laundry, something. Even when it starts, it takes forever. I remember from hatching ducks in the classroom. But I had the class to keep me busy and take my attention away.

It's like watching paint dry...
I let my girls free range today and my silkie is stuck under the back deck. Ugh

Bribed them out with treats. Ooh were they mad
when I put them in the hutch.
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Roberta, did any of your orps hatch?
I'm still waiting. 21 days at 7pm tomorrow.
I could really use a little fuzzy butt to cheer me up
right now. Cumon girls. Get pippin and zippin.
So far 2 out, another 2 pips.
Looks like a blue, and white or splash. Still too wet to tell.
Did you wait a day to put them in? I put them in right after I met up with you.
The USPS didn't get ahold of them, so it was safe to go right in.
So far 2 out, another 2 pips.
Looks like a blue, and white or splash. Still too wet to tell.
Did you wait a day to put them in? I put them in right after I met up with you.
The USPS didn't get ahold of them, so it was safe to go right in.

Stop all this hatch talk! I'm looking at Exchequer Leghorn eggs. Just say no!

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