Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Nice job toxic! I've used that method with success so wish the same for you.

I went and ordered eggs! red roof hens fun surprise pack is being shipped today. I want to get some fertile eggs under this broody quick as I can.

Roberta, i really appreciate your offer of picking up eggs and delivering them from the Boston show......but couldn't put that burden on you. Sometime when you want to make a road trip just for the fun of it let me know!
Ooh don't tempt me. I want a silver spangled hamburg and a
Golden Campine and and a white crested black polish BUT I
can't have anymore. I don't think. Ooh pooh
Stop it!! I need a bigger coop, bigger run and more hours in a day. Some extra money to afford this chicken addiction would be good too.

Actually right now, I'm busy being amazed at how big my chickens are getting almost daily it seems. My husband and kids always know where to find me. Sitting in the coop watching my chickens.
Stop it!! I need a bigger coop, bigger run and more hours in a day. Some extra money to afford this chicken addiction would be good too.

Actually right now, I'm busy being amazed at how big my chickens are getting almost daily it seems. My husband and kids always know where to find me. Sitting in the coop watching my chickens.
Rosie, it never ends so enjoy the roller coaster ride! No coop is big enough..........never enough $$ for what you really want to do.
I just got back from Shirley feed with 50# of
chick feed. They 8 babies finished off a 5# bag
already so this bag should last till they can go on
grower feed with the older 2. My day old chicks
were supposed to come today but nope, here I go
again. At least it's warm out.
I had my 4 orp chicks out to see if I can figure out
who's a girl. One is smaller and has a slightly smaller
comb so I think it's a girl. My mom says don't name
it yet and my dad (grand kids call him Opa) says call it
Opa2 ! I have one that's named Nana so I guess he
feels one should be named after him. I told him if he
wants one named after him I have to keep a Roo.
A big stubborn cranky Roo. Haha. Then my mom asks
if I can have one de-crowed at the vet. OMG they are
worse than me with the chicken thing.
You could breed jubilee orpingtons. Someone sells
8 eggs for $300 on eBay and I have seen people bidding
on them.
I might be able to convince my husband they should sleep with us. Hmmmm.....

300 DOLLARS?? For 8 eggs? WOW. I'd be able to break even in 13 years!
I'd also have to convince my neighbors that they are all crazy and that's NOT a rooster in my yard. It's an exotic and rare Indonesian ground parrot.

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