Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

I got nuthin'.  On the freaking front porch?  I thought foxes were sly, not ballsy!

So I came home in this terribly depressed mood and I saw my neighbor cleaning out her car.  I've been trying to catch her home to bring her some eggs, so I went right over with a dozen.  We had a really nice talk - it sort of lifted my spirits a bit.  I guess it's true what they say about getting out of your own head.  We had some bad blood for awhile, but since Laura's in the FD with her husband and son, and since Bobby does the "Wilson" thing over the fence, everything's been good lately.

Baked a cake, did some laundry, started a crocheted owl for Laura and took a little nap earlier.  It all helped.

But not as much as looking (again) at Karen's orthopedic chick shoes and reading about Heather's fox and picturing Roberta chasing deer in her underwear.  Thanks.  I needed that! 

In a couple of days I'll post pictures of the new back lawn.  I water it and admire it twice daily!

Suzanne I can't wait to see your new grass! Sorry about your crapola day but glad you're feeling better. I saw a clip on eyewitness news last night about an eleven year old girl being attacked on the bus in Huntington because she didn't save someone a seat. Yeah things have changed since I was in school.
Suzanne I can't wait to see your new grass! Sorry about your crapola day but glad you're feeling better. I saw a clip on eyewitness news last night about an eleven year old girl being attacked on the bus in Huntington because she didn't save someone a seat. Yeah things have changed since I was in school.

My "SAT boys" told me about it. Probably one of my former students.

I won't be sorry to see the back end of this school year, that's for sure!

I realized yesterday that Lavinia was hatched on May 1, which makes her 4 weeks old. Still no "roo signs". Hmmmm. Could I be that lucky?

The Light Sussex chicks are the most beautiful shade of lemon yellow. And the White Orpington's wing feathers are starting to come in. OMG they grow so fast!

Poor Laura had Scottpack (sp?) training last night in the heat and humidity. Full gear, blacked out mask, crawling through a structure trying to locate victims. She and the guy she was with are so small, they didn't run out of air for 25 minutes. Plus she has a sunburn. My poor baby. She was shot when she got home!
My "SAT boys" told me about it. Probably one of my former students.

I won't be sorry to see the back end of this school year, that's for sure!

I realized yesterday that Lavinia was hatched on May 1, which makes her 4 weeks old. Still no "roo signs". Hmmmm. Could I be that lucky?

The Light Sussex chicks are the most beautiful shade of lemon yellow. And the White Orpington's wing feathers are starting to come in. OMG they grow so fast!

Poor Laura had Scottpack (sp?) training last night in the heat and humidity. Full gear, blacked out mask, crawling through a structure trying to locate victims. She and the guy she was with are so small, they didn't run out of air for 25 minutes. Plus she has a sunburn. My poor baby. She was shot when she got home!

I remember the fire academy in Bethpage where I had to go-they put me on a deuce and a half nozzle. I was airborne when they turned on the water. Laura is lucky she didn't overheat! The training in the heat is scary hot and just basically, well, scary. (I don't like doing anything blind-she is a brave girl!)
I remember the fire academy in Bethpage where I had to go-they put me on a deuce and a half nozzle. I was airborne when they turned on the water. Laura is lucky she didn't overheat! The training in the heat is scary hot and just basically, well, scary. (I don't like doing anything blind-she is a brave girl!)

She said she felt a little faint but downed a water bottle and a half a Gatorade and was okay. She never likes to tell them when she gets hurt. That's how she earned her nickname, "Hammer". Which is hysterical since she's 5 feet tall and weighs about 100 lbs.

I'm enjoying the image of going airborne when the water came on!
She said she felt a little faint but downed a water bottle and a half a Gatorade and was okay. She never likes to tell them when she gets hurt. That's how she earned her nickname, "Hammer". Which is hysterical since she's 5 feet tall and weighs about 100 lbs.

I'm enjoying the image of going airborne when the water came on!
Brave young woman you have mom you should be very proud.
I can help you get started on a quilt addition if you'd like . I warn you though its as bad as chicken math. My problem is I don't have a sewing room . I cut fabric on the floor and my dining room table is 42" square. We can start out with something small.
Heather, They told me at TSC that the way to trap a fox is raw meat in the trap. I don't think dog food will do it. I lost a hen to fox and we have seen a lot of them in this area this year. I investigated and talked to a lot of people, and think we are now down two foxes. One I saw had been hit on Rt 20 close to our road. I didn't even have a moment of sadness for it. Get a nice cheap cut of meat, and slap it in that trap...good you have a plan for after it is trapped. Good luck.
Suzanne I can't wait to see your new grass! Sorry about your crapola day but glad you're feeling better. I saw a clip on eyewitness news last night about an eleven year old girl being attacked on the bus in Huntington because she didn't save someone a seat. Yeah things have changed since I was in school.
Hi Heather, are you from Huntington, LI? It's a tough district. I am going to look this story up now.

Did you all read about the supposed "zombie" in Florida? That is the grossest story I've ever heard.

Sorry about my rant about my neighbor a few pages back. She's a nice lady just never sure how to read her.
My "SAT boys" told me about it. Probably one of my former students.

I won't be sorry to see the back end of this school year, that's for sure!

I realized yesterday that Lavinia was hatched on May 1, which makes her 4 weeks old. Still no "roo signs". Hmmmm. Could I be that lucky?

The Light Sussex chicks are the most beautiful shade of lemon yellow. And the White Orpington's wing feathers are starting to come in. OMG they grow so fast!

Poor Laura had Scottpack (sp?) training last night in the heat and humidity. Full gear, blacked out mask, crawling through a structure trying to locate victims. She and the guy she was with are so small, they didn't run out of air for 25 minutes. Plus she has a sunburn. My poor baby. She was shot when she got home!
Can we see more pics of your babies, I love their coloring Suzanne!
She said she felt a little faint but downed a water bottle and a half a Gatorade and was okay. She never likes to tell them when she gets hurt. That's how she earned her nickname, "Hammer". Which is hysterical since she's 5 feet tall and weighs about 100 lbs.

I'm enjoying the image of going airborne when the water came on!
Oh it WAS funny, once upon a time (before 4 kids) I weighed about 110 pounds, LOL! Imagine what a hose looks like when you turn it on, and nobody is holding it-now imagine a girl flying with it. You have good comedy. Two HUGE truck guys had to grab me by the shoulders and waist to pull me down-while yelling "Turn off the water!" I was a little freaked out-but EVERY single person form my company and the truck company were laughing so hard they were crying. it took 10 minutes to get back in and put out the fire, which had already started to go out by itself. They anchored me with a 250 pound guy the 2nd time. I had my hair dyed red at the time, my nickname became "The flying Elmo"
I had loads of fun at the Fire Academy. You get to get really dirty, and do stuff they wouldn't normally let a 110 pound girl do, if there's a 250 pound guy available!!

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