Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Thanks ... Yeah, I opted for burial. I have a small dogwood tree I planted a couple seasons back that has always struggled. I put her under it ... maybe she'll bring it some growth.
I wonder if Gladys found her way home?

George, I have a few Jap chicks. Can't tell what they are yet, I think they will be mottled (black and white spots)
And forget about sexing them, too tiny!
You're welcome to a couple if you want.
Ooh these people n eBay make me MAD !
Keep making me raise my bid when I don't want too.
I hate to loose. Only 5 hrs left I think. I shouldn't look
Till its over. I put a big auto bid in. If it goes over that
I'll hunt down and pee on the high bidders lawn !

It was only 1.04 when I started. That's why I started,
Now I can't stop. Good thing I've never gone to Atlantic
City or Vegas. I'm a big time sucker.
Last edited:
Sorry about Loretta . If you let your chickens free range like I do I wouldn't bury her .I know I might come off as cold but with them scratching around they might contract something.Even if its a month down the road after the chicken has started to decay.Sorry if its not something you want to here.Its the veterinary microbiologist in me

Can not see a bloodhound in the popover
Had my first chicken mortality yesterday. One of my Japanese Bantams, Loretta, took ill during the week. She showed the symptoms of having either some sort of crop/digestive system blockage, or possibly being eggbound: She was lethargic, a bit bloated, not laying, barely eating, drinking or pooping, and lost the color from her comb. Tried all the recommendations -- olive oil at both ends, warm bath and massaging her underside, electrolytes & vitamins and an antibiotic in the water, etc. -- but no improvement. I had her in a crate in the house where she could be warm, quiet and undisturbed by the others, and when she seemed to take a turn for the worse yesterday, I wrapped her in a towel and sat her on my lap while watching the hockey playoffs. That's when she let go.

Which leads me to a question ... what have others done with their chicken's remains when they've passed on? Buried in the backyard, burned, or disposed of in the garbage? I'm not sure which is the right thing to do, but I'm leaning toward burial. Thoughts?

On a happier note ... smkchick: Love the photo above. Where'd you get popovers shaped like dog heads?! Looks just like a bloodhound!

2h 42min to go. :/

What happened to my last post ? Guess I forgot to hit submit.
I was ranting about eBay and how I was gonna hunt down and pee
On someone's lawn if they steal my eggs. Lmao.

Never mind, I see it a few posts up. Heh
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Ooh these people n eBay make me MAD !
Keep making me raise my bid when I don't want too.
I hate to loose. Only 5 hrs left I think. I shouldn't look
Till its over. I put a big auto bid in. If it goes over that
I'll hunt down and pee on the high bidders lawn !
It was only 1.04 when I started. That's why I started,
Now I can't stop. Good thing I've never gone to Atlantic
City or Vegas. I'm a big time sucker.

Uh oh. I hope it wasn't for Light Sussex eggs.

I use You put in the highest bid you want to go to and they wait til the last few seconds and drop the bid in. I don't bid or watch the item. I just sneak in and WIN!! I know it's sort of unfair, but I like how often I win and how low the bidding stays. Avoids bidding wars. And you can change your mind until the end of the auction by removing your bid. Check it out.
I didn't notice the bloodhound/popover thing. I took the picture and then I ate it. Tasted like popover.

George, I'm so sorry about Loretta. I'm glad you buried her under the dogwood tree. There's a great children's story by Judith Viorst called "The Tenth Good Thing About Barney". A little boy can remember 9 things about his dead cat (I think cat) but doesn't come up with the 10th thing until they bury him and his parents explain how he will help the flowers grow.

Stormville was packed. We waited for an hour to get into the parking lot. And when we left at 2pm there was still about an hour's worth of traffic waiting to get in. Picked up a couple of interesting things. I kept myself from buying chicken related stuff. If I start collecting chicken stuff AND chickens, it won't be pretty. But I still think we should get together and open a booth. "A Chicken in Every Pot" - sell hatching eggs, chicken stuff, t-shirts, signs, bumper stickers, etc.

Laura sent me a text this morning when she got home. Gladys was in the front yard (went over the fence despite our adding chicken wire to the top) and Laura reunited her with the flock. We think she's flying up on to a low branch of the Japanese maple and getting over that way. I asked Bobby to remove the branch but we also talked about extending the run down the other side of the yard and keeping the girls in most of the time. I'd kinda like to have a backyard again...

Lav Orp eggs hatch on Tuesday. Took out the auto turner and added more water to get the humidity up. Ooohh boy!!

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