Southern vs. Northern Speak

I grew up in Alaska, went to college in Minnesota, lived in New York state, and have lived in Texas for the last 15 years. My accent is sort of a generic American mix, with a mix of my mom's Seattle area Scandanavian, and my dad's rural Utah thrown in the mix.....

I grew up saying "pop" but now its "soda"
I used to say "crick" which is actually more western than southern, but now I say a generic "creek"
It's kitty-corner, and catty-wumpus...but I don't know why.
I know where "out the road" is.
My mom's call to dinner was "come and get it, or I'll throw it in the crick"
Even after living in Texas for 15 years, I still hate being called ma'am. In the north only old ladies are referred to as ma'am, and a "yes sir!" is usually sarcastic.
Yeah is an okay form of yes, and my Minnesota MIL recalls a new teacher instructing children to say yes, not ja; and a kid replying "you're not from around here, are you?".
I say y'all and you guys but never youse guys. I may be the last human being alive who uses you in its plural form, which confuses people around here.
The first time someone in NY asked "what can I do ya for?", I was a little shocked. Then I realized it was the local version of "can I help you?".
I know Burnet is burnit, and Manchacha is Man-shack, and Manor is May-nor.
Ya shure, ya SIL family from northern Minnesota sounds that way, and some of my dhs relatives still have that distinctive Skandavian sing song accent after 3-4 generation in the US

I still think my rural Utah relatives have one of the hickiest (I hope you understand) accents I've ever heard.
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I was just thinking of some of my dad's sayings....the ones without the profanity

I don't know him from Adam's off ox
Slicker than snot
she'd go after a bear with a switch
faster than grass through a goose
To us a yankee accent can be a lot of different-sounding accents. For instance, a Boston accent and a Bronx accent may be distinguishable, but both yankee, whereas a Minnesotan accent isn't yankee.
How could someone be cutting you off while you're stopped? *confused*

Read beekissed post below yours...She knows
In Rhose Island, If there is a way to cut in front of you they will do it. The woman who I had words with was trying to squeeze herself into the space in front of me, and in back of the car in front of me. She was hoping when the light changed, I would just let her in. I did not let her in, so she was ticked off.
I had right of way, she didn't.


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