Splash cochin eggs


Poultry Snuggie
11 Years
Mar 16, 2009
onchiota NY
This is way more difficult than I thought it would be to find! I would love to add just splash cohins to my egg layers....I love the big fluffy girls and have blues and blacks but really would love just some splash!
Ive tried hatching 3 rounds of eggs from BBS pens from different folks but alas....only blues and blacks came out;( I dont want to keep a roo to create my own..I have too many other roos around! Lol

Does ANYONE have a pen of just splash ??? They dont need to be anything but pet quality :D
I asume you are wanting LF Splash Cochins? I have a pair of very nice looking Bantam Splashes that I bought from 'funkyfeathers'.

~ Aspen

Yes ;( But thank you so much;) At first i didnt care which size but after alot of thought, I decided it was best to stick with the LF.

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