Stay at home parents!

HI!!! I am a SAHM to 5 boys and a slew of critters DH works 12h shifts to make it all work. we cut costs where we can like we have no cable, we share a Netflix and Hulu account with my mom so she pays for the Netflix and we pay for the Hulu. I Cloth Diaper, and line dry when I can. we do home cooked meals and I bake near all the baked goods, we also have goats for our dairy products. when we go out I pack everyone a sack lunch. I also make my own laundry detergent (HE) along with other cleaning products, some medicines, and our toothpaste among other things and I LOVE IT!!! I am a self taught herbalist and more than willing to share my knowledge with anyone who wants to listen.
How do you likeep goats milk compared to cows we been talking about getting a small herd of nebians

I actually LOVE my goats, when I was first looking into getting a dairy animal I originally thought about and seriously looked into a Dexter cow even had the farm I wanted her from and a name picked out, my switch came from realizing that even though I have 2 useable acres there is not enough grazing grass and I would need to either transport for breeding or artificially inseminate (yuck) also my husband is a sensitive to dairy... those coupled with my prepping goals, small herd of goats are easy to bug out with compared to a 500lb cow any day... we have 2 Alpine doelings and a Lamancha buckling they are very personable and sweet my 18m can handle them even the buck... I looked into Nubians and still might get one I LOVE the ears, they tend to be over bred because of the ears I would suggest making sure they come from really good milking lines, a good Nubian can give over a gallon a day from what I have read.. plus another perk to goats over cow is if one accidently steps on your foot they aren't like to break it
mine are just doelings and my oldest is running with our buck as I type, so hopefully we will have milk in the new year. But as of yet we are not milking. I picked them because a decent Alpine can give at least 1 gallon a day. A really really good milker 2-3 gallons a day. Our older doe 'November' her grandmother was really milky and bagged up before she was even introduced to a buck so I am hoping big time. my other doeling 'Lima' has a line that got the top producers for a while. I read that they are often referred to as the "Jersey cow of the goat world"
Oh wow that's good to know. We haven't completely settled on a breed your the first I talked to that has goats for milk.

what I did was I got a couple books on dairy goats, and did a lot of online research and went over each dairy breed and look into their butterfat(what makes the milk rich and creamy) and how much they give out a day on average, and compared it to what my family and for me my mom's family would need and if we would make cheese, ice cream, butter and all that. I till want to get a few Nigerians LOL
It all depends on what you need and how much milk your family goes through, for us the amount that the Alpine is suppose to give is what made them the right choice, however I am determined to add to my herd probably a Nubian and a Nigerian. I am determined to make my own ice cream and the Nigerian milk will be perfect for it
Homemade icecream the best I have a good vanilla icecream recipe. We go through a lot about three gallons a week when we are being careful.
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