Stella's Social Club

Oh, about the fennel. I made some fennel soup in the weekend, I used one bulb of fennel, 4 potatoes, one carrot, some onion, some chicken stock, some white wine and some cream. Bled the chopped onion first, then added all the other ingredients diced except for the cream, and at the end I put it through a food processor and added the cream and seasoned with salt and pepper. Turned out pretty nice. Could have had another fennel bulb in it even.
Oh, about the fennel. I made some fennel soup in the weekend, I used one bulb of fennel, 4 potatoes, one carrot, some onion, some chicken stock, some white wine and some cream. Bled the chopped onion first, then added all the other ingredients diced except for the cream, and at the end I put it through a food processor and added the cream and seasoned with salt and pepper. Turned out pretty nice. Could have had another fennel bulb in it even.
That might work!
OK, I am off to ship emu eggs!
Emily and I had a whirlwind day in the kitchen yesterday organizing before running errands and grocery shopping. Michael's daughter visited for a few hours yesterday along with a friend of hers so it was busier than normal here. I picked up my vegetable box but didn't have time to trim, wash, and store the veggies. I'll have to do that today.

I need to get creative with those fennel bulbs from last week and the celeriac I got this week!

I think I may have someone in Ohio interested in a few emu eggs! I told him I would just charge for the shipping since I have no idea if they are fertile. Don't worry Jason, she's laying every three to four days like clockwork. I got egg number six today!

Celeriac, potatoes & garlic all boiled together are wonderful mashed with butter - same as mashed pototatoes.
Hey, Mary, I found Tucker's long lost brother, Tanner, here in Georgia! The Humane Society of Blue Ridge has this guy up for adoption and I found it very interesting the sort of resemblance to your guy as well as the similar name.

Tanner is the one on the right in the first pic, and an extra close up below-the black and tan was adopted yesterday:

What a wonderful photo and cute dog.

I know there are a MILLION renditions of this, but this little 3 year old of mine lisping her way through "Let it Go" melts my heart!

So precious.

The latest addition to the brooder.

Love the color, it will be interesting how he she turns out.

Mary - I'm liking your cat more and more. He's a good kitty.

My breakfast, from the garden. Dragon Fruit. The cactus only suffered a little from the freeze. So delicious.
That looks good, wish we could get that here.

Tucker is so in love with Emily and she is not a big animal person. She gives him a lot of love back though.

Tucker convert her to dog lover. He has experience.

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