Stella's Social Club

Nice little shopping spree Cyn. Man when you guys leave the house, you leave the house!
We looked at a few dealerships yesterday and over the previous couple of weeks. Drove a Chevy Captiva, which is basically only a fleet type small SUV, and were impressed by the super comfortable seats, better than this one, really, but it didn't have the zip of the CR-V even with the same size engine, plus the Captiva was not AWD, either. It was a 2013, only a couple thousand more than this one, but being a hard to find vehicle, only sold as a fleet vehicle and no longer produced here, I wasn't sure about it. Also, I was leery of not having that little extra help of AWD/4WD in snowy weather where we live, even if it wasn't needed most of the time.

Very pretty car !!!! Looks like it has all the goodies including the sun roof !!!!!
Thanks. We had just seen a more upgraded version of it, almost identical, on a different lot, same color, just a few extra goodies with leather, but the seats were rock hard and the price was thousands more. It was a 2011 for 20K. Mileage was about 35K for the 2011. And no possibility for the super warranty we got on this slightly older one. So, we shall see how we like it. crazyhen (Gloria Jean) just told me she has one and loves it, hasn't had any issues with it, that it takes her North Carolina mountain roads with ease. She lives about an hour or so northeast of me. It just naturally will feel the road more than our older, heavier vehicles, something we expected.
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We are going to have sticker shock when it comes to insurance. For years, we've had only liability on our old ones, so now, we must have comprehensive on a newer, albeit not brand new, vehicle. It won't be pretty. Was paying $550/yr total for both truck and car, once a year in July. Tried to find cost to insure. My agent isn't available over the weekend. Couldn't get an online quote from anyone because they always want your current insurance company and mine is not on the extensive drop-down list so it refused to let me go further. Good grief. Tomorrow, off to see what horrible # we'll be quoted. No car accidents claimed on this insurance and we have the house on it, too, though we made a claim for the house fire of course. It is what it is, though. Trying to sell my bottom 1.77 acre lot right now, which could maybe help somewhat getting it paid off early. Someone will get a bargain if they buy that one from us.
went to the lake yesterday 2 miles from my house.
There is a resident pair of bald eagles there.
was amazing to see them strategically dive-bomb over a group of some sort of black duck like thing that dive under water.
one eagle would dive , the ducks would go under water. then come up for air while under water they where swimming towards the shore and peoples boats.
one ended up getting one and was amazing to see . the eagle was in the water holding the duck down till it drowned. i thought the eagle was going to drown as well but after a few minutes there it went with small duck in talon

bad pics but i was driving the boat and it was a ways away

I had a nice visit with Tucker today. I got to talk to Mary in between playing with Tucker.
That Tucker is one sweet (and horribly spoiled) dog.
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