Stella's Social Club

Oh my. See, that's why we never fit in in places like Wyoming. We visited twice, both times in May. We had our heavy coats on, as that wind in Wyoming feels like you are going to die. Snow was still on the ground, but it was sunny out. We went to dinner that night, all bundled in our heavy coats, and the locals were in t-shirts and shorts.
We stuck out really badly.
We are in Minnesota. So we are used to the cold.
Mary - I know this was a very difficult choice for you.
Your current house is beautiful, but 3200 square feet is a TON of space for 2 people. I think you are making the right choice for your situation.
that you can have a few hens.
Totally flabbergasted at your news, Mary! I know how you loved that place but I so understand the feeling that even though you love it, it's time to get out from under so much responsibility and enjoy some freedom. I've been feeling the same here and my only livestock now is chickens. My house is 2500 square feet and I have almost 5 acres. So you have a lot more to care for. I admire the way you made your decision and jumped right in and took action. That's my problem - I think about it, agonize over it, and do nothing.

Will you be staying in the same general area/town or moving totally away?
We are staying locally. My parents live here and they are in their 90's so I need to stay close by. I made an offer on a 1500 sq ft home. If I get the urge to get animals again they are going to have to be mountain goats. The 1.6 acres is the side of a mountain with a small pad for a house cut into it! We just wanted a buffer from close by neighbors. The house isn't even completed yet. The sale is contingent on my selling this one in time to close on that one. If it doesn't happen in time, we'll just take off in the motorhome between moves and find something when we get back.

Here are some pics I took for my realtor. She hasn't seen it yet and was trying to negotiate an upgrade on the decks for me. I had to send her pics with captions.



Mountain goats in the back yard.

If this house deal goes through I will have no other option than to take it easy. I couldn't get up that hill if my life depended on it. Matbe with my oxygen, but the tubing is only 50 feet long. I would have to connect several pieces with duct tape. :D Tucker better figure out how to get back down because I am for sure not going up there to get him. We have been out to the house three times now and he is all over the place exploring. I plan to add a little gate to the deck stairs so he can lay out there in the sun without wandering off. He loves to lay in the sun.

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