Stella's Social Club

My mom would agree with you on that one, she just turned 64, I am 46, mys siblings are 42, 40 and 38. My brother has very young kids and my Mom says is she was any older she wouldn't be able to keep up with them. I don't think there is such a thing as an empty nest for her - she now takes care of our 96 year old Grandmother.

My downsizing is in progress! Tonight I got rid of so many chickens, I lost count. Yesterday I sold about 20, also. I will have to try to count tomorrow. I plan to call, "The Trader Show," tomorrow with, "free roosters!"

So you have one of those on your local radio station, there are 2 stations within 10 miles of my house and between the 2 there are 5 eppisodes a day and you can advertise on 3 a day, up to a week.
Michael added three tripod sprinklers to the emu/goat pasture yesterday. They are going to be great fore cooling them down. I used to spray them with a hose several times a day. Now I can just turn on the faucet!

Make sure you look at Louis's growing in feathers! Looks like a black saddle. I still think he was attacked during the night and something ripped the feathers off his back and caused the bruising. He does have a few of the light colored feathers growing in as well but mostly black.
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Mary, Those two girls are too cute........sugar melts when wet.....must stay dry!

Will Louis be that dark all over?

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