Subscriptions/Watched Thread Question

What are the check boxes for on the watched threads? I thought we could manage threads but after you check the boxes it doesn't do anything. I checked some threads I no longer want to follow and when I clicked manage threads it just gives option to delete all threads?
You can check the boxes, then there is a drop down box at the bottom to choose an action. Unwatch Threads is one option.
You can check the boxes, then there is a drop down box at the bottom to choose an action. Unwatch Threads is one option.
Yes but when I select unwatch threads it says unwatch all threads. I'm taking that as all even in selected ones...scared to do it, don't want to loose all of them..
I'm so lost with all the changes. Lol I'm not sure either so going to each thread and in following the ones I don't want. Don't want to chance it. Haha

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