Sumatra Thread!

Sumatras (and similar long tail breeds) cold hardy at all? Virginia cold, not Minnesota, Alaska, etc.
gets as cold as -20F here in Upstate Ny and my Sumatra's don't even care. They go about their lives being chickens. Rain, freezing rain, 26 inches of snow, -20F ...nothing bothers them. So yes they are cold hardy ...completely!
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gets as cold as -20F here in Upstate Ny and my Sumatra's don't even care. They go about their lives being chickens. Rain, freezing rain, 26 inches of snow, -20F ...nothing bothers them. So yes they are cold hardy ...completely!

I am with stonykill, we get colder than -20 some winters here in Northeastern Washington with a few feet of snow and it doesn't even seem to phase the sumatras. They always go flying out every morning, sometimes they'll fly around the pen before landing when there is fresh snow. They seem more cold hardy than some of our marans which surprises me. We even have a couple hens/pullets laying now

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