Superior hatchery

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They're not selling some of their stock, they're selling all of their stock. They're going out of business.
Correct, what hasn't been sold privately will be taken to the selected auctions. Tom
I'm not sure anyone knows exactly what will be sold where until private sales are done and the birds are loaded. I'll try to post a list if I can find out in time. I would guess you would need someone there to bid. Cell phones make that easier. Tom
If it is a good list, maybe I could tag along a pay for the gas?

Sure Tammy
It depends when the auction starts because of soccer. I'll let you know!
I don't know anything about the Oklahoma Superior Farms facility, but this is from a fellow Okie on the Okies thread who knows more about chickens than anyone I know...

Superior Farm is shutting down? I never even went & they're closing? How come?

I dont no Danny said they just decided to shut down the owner's sent all the worker's a letter saying aprill 15 was ther last day..They sure had alot of bird's..The owner had bot the very best in the U.S All show stock..Duck's Gease's chicken's of every breed...[IT WAS A site to see] I no people would have payd good money just to get in an see all the bird's ..I No i would..Danny has ben a APA judge for along time that's wy they hired him he took the bird's all over the U.S an showd them....

Just FYI.
I called and talked to Danny last week to buy some eggs from them and he didn't say a thing about going out of business he just told me there was a lot of people ahead of me that wanted the same thing and to check back in two or three weeks.

That is because Danny didn't know this was happening. This decision was rather quick from what I gathered from Danny so he had no idea it was happening until it happened.
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