Surviving Minnesota!

When grandma did pig would go over & eat. Mom & us kids didn't. Guessing she couldn't stomach them. You know...I can still remember the smell of that Limburger. Do they even sell it here anymore? I don't ever see it.
I have not seen it in any local stores but bet that stores in PA still sell it. I know it can be bought online but what is the point without the pumpernickel to spread it on.
We decided to make a pizza and use Limburger cheese on it.
As much as I like limburger, I would never put it on a pizza nor would I ever heat it up.
R2elk....I'm sure someone still makes/sells it. They used to sell it in the groceries. Not anymore!!Heck a good dark bread is impossible to find these days! And you definitely need a stout bread to stand up to Limburger!!

By the way....this may be a southern thing, but we have a butcher that sells squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, possum, deer, brains from something, hog jowls, chitlins and lots of fresh catfish. Not sure if I could eat some of those delicacies....
ummm Limburger rabies does explain some things :gig

but seriously that had to be a horrible ordeal :hugs

It was except for the silver lining. I got to get out of school early and skip the teacher I found most boring for two weeks..

However, at around day seven or eight I was getting sick from a reaction to the shots. I guess that was common back then.

It took about and hour to get the shot. The doctor would put the needle in and empty half the syringe. Then a nurse (normally an old ugly one) would sit with me to watch and see if I reacted badly.

She had some huge syringes filled with something to help if I reacted.

They would leave the syringe in my stomach for a half hour, then empty the last half and remove it.

That was a relief, but I still had to lie there with the guard nurse for another half hour.

They had me carry some pills with me, Incase I passed out or got violently ill..

I could never understand how I was to take them if I passed out.
It was except for the silver lining. I got to get out of school early and skip the teacher I found most boring for two weeks..

However, at around day seven or eight I was getting sick from a reaction to the shots. I guess that was common back then.

It took about and hour to get the shot. The doctor would put the needle in and empty half the syringe. Then a nurse (normally an old ugly one) would sit with me to watch and see if I reacted badly.

She had some huge syringes filled with something to help if I reacted.

They would leave the syringe in my stomach for a half hour, then empty the last half and remove it.

That was a relief, but I still had to lie there with the guard nurse for another half hour.

They had me carry some pills with me, Incase I passed out or got violently ill..

I could never understand how I was to take them if I passed out.

Missing classes is always the fun part! I'm at about 110 missed classes and 10 tardies for this semester already:rolleyes:, off of knee stuff alone. Speaking of that, I'm down to no brace except when I'm outside doing chores!
We're getting snow right now, we did lots of winterizing this morning in both coops today. All of the Wyandottes are down in the show bird coop now, along with a rabbit. We turned the brooder room into a "warm room" for the layers on cold days. I'm down to 2 Cochins to get rid of, they ones I'm keeping are all looking really good right now, hopefully they stay that way for the summer shows
Non-weatherdorks, look at this....

This is the first one that worries me. I think our only hope is it travels through fast..

People near Lake Superior, you can ignore this. You have your own special weather which may or may not be like the rest of ours..

Ps. We can be grateful the pressure difference is not more.
Non-weatherdorks, look at this....

This is the first one that worries me. I think our only hope is it travels through fast..

People near Lake Superior, you can ignore this. You have your own special weather which may or may not be like the rest of ours..

Ps. We can be grateful the pressure difference is not more.View attachment 1977809[

I'm just a runofthemill type dork, I don't understand.

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