TeaChick's Chicks

I set my eggs Friday.
Here's a pic:

I put the Leghorns in there to fill out the carton.
Well see how things go.

I got 6 eggs yesterday. (Four brown)
Here's a pic:

See the one on the far right?
I'll take a pic when I crack it to show whether it's double yolk or what.
I meant to candle it last night; if we don't use it today, them I'll candle it tonight.
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I'm keeping up......need to know the Jr. roos current and past names so I know whether to side with you or hubby.

His past names have been "Buddy" (given as an interum name by me and DS b/c he was to be the jr roo or "Eddie's buddy" to help him out).
Then DH didn't like that, so I wanted to name him Will Riker after "No. 1" on "Star Trek: The Next Generation". DH liked that and called him "Will" for short.
Then DH wanted to rename him Will I Am b/c he thinks it's cool that the name spells William.

It doesn't matter, really, anymore b/c I found him pecked to death this morning. =(
I'm separating my new chickens from the flock b/c I found my jr roo pecked to death this morning.
It's time for dinner, but I didn't want to not post it. =(
Thank you.
I'm so mad at my flock! I had a good mind to cook Sandy today, but I still don't think I could trust the rest of them. She's the one we always see picking on newcomers.
I just have to separate them now.
Aww I'm so sorry !
Thank you.

The thing I hate the most is that mean chickens are killing good chickens. KWIM
Hate to say this but I would get rid of the most aggressive hen...you don't want to live with that.

Yeah, I'm planning on eating them as I'm able to replace their egg production. I'm starting with Sandy, she's been a little Hm-m-m since we got them.
You don't have to hate to say it; I've lived around animals all my life and (as sad as it is when a good animal dies) it's a fact of life that the mean ones have to be put out of your (yes your/our) misery.

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