Tell me one nice thing about your spouse!

Where to start?!!?

He brings me coffee in bed EVERY morning
He built my chicken coop with enthusiasm
He makes me laugh every day
He is sooo handsome

I am a very lucky woman!
What a great thread.

DH and I have been married for 25 years this August. There are a million things I could say I love about him, but I suppose the debth of our relationship is the greatest.

We don't like to be away from each other. Even when we're in a fuss. (Oh and believe me, we fuss.
) We love Jesus more than each other, our DS is a fine young man and we love the part each other played in that. We get excited about each others hobbies.

He's funny, silly, responsible. Handshake or no handshake his word is his contract.

Now if he sounds perfect let's remember,

he doesn't always hit the hamper--- or the commode. He must not think mud sticks to the bottom of his shoes. He has to use mapquest to find the kitchen stove or sink. Of course he snores (but so do I
). And I've learned to love those things just as much because my mama and daddy argued over his muddy boots through the kitchen for 50 years of marriage. When daddy died suddenly, it wasn't long before mama said she'd give anything to see dried mud tracked on the kitchen floor. We knew what she meant.

This is an uplifting thread for sure.
I think I would feel very alone if the house didnt stink like his feet after a long day of work, much as I like to complain that he needs to have foot replacement surgery...

He lets me win most of the time unless its really important.
He loves me exactly as I am and can actually be over protective if he thinks someone even our grown sons are taking advantage of me. (I am a doormat at times). We have been married through good times and bad, thick and thin, sickness and health, feast & famine.
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He tolerates my need for chickens, and even builds stuff for them. He says he likes them because they make me happy. He draws a line at me getting a peacock though.

He kills the spiders.

He makes my coffee every morning even though he doesn't drink it.

He tells me he loves me in public.

He holds my hand every night as we sleep.

He lets me watch my favorite shows even if it's something we've seen a hundred times.

He talks sweet to me, even if he's ticked off about something.

He tells me I'm pretty.

He hovers near by while I'm cooking incase I need him to reach up high, or turn the meat while my hands are in bread dough.

He is my Superman.
What a wonderful thread! I love possitive things and my husband encourages me through everything. Even when I need( want ) more chickens. Just because they are soo cute. He always brings me coffee and takes care of my birds when I am at work and also turns the eggs in the bator. He is the best

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