Tell us about your screen name/or ?

Alexandra33 is pretty much self-evident in the fact that it is a combination of my favorite Golden Campine girl's (Alex) name and the number of birds in our coop at the time. Our flock has grown a little since then!

"Krnaf"-(קרנף) in Hebrew is Rhinoceros, A- Krnaf, means "the rhinoceros". I have chosen this name, because I have M.Sc degree in Zoology, And my Research subject was the Broad lipped ("white") rhino. I have researched the Genetics and social structure of a herd of rhino in the Safari zoological center In Tel-aviv. I actually plucked hairs,(that I needed for the genetic research) from the rhinos hears tips! I have Videos( ye, ye I know that reviles how old I am!) that proof it! How many people you know that plucked hairs from rhinoceros hear?
My Avatar is acutely a fotoshop of myself looking like the godfather from movies that I like very much!

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Oh now, that is so cool!!!!! I will even use the word awesome.
I wondered about you.

(My son's Physics teacher was an elephant guy. I thought that was an interesting career change.)
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I think I might just qualify for the most unimaginative award .. Teila is my name.

Well, actually that is not quite true .. I was born in England but when I was 7 years old my parents immigrated to Australia.

In Australia, my name had a meaning. After many years of politely pretending that the old joke I had heard many times was original and how clever they were to think of it
; I wanted to change it but did not know what to … a friend’s son could not pronounce my name and kept saying Teila; it stuck

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