Ended Tell Us Your Funniest Chicken Story to Win Six Bags of Feed from Nutrena!

I had a Red Sussex chick I named Little Buddy. He used to run up to me everytime Id open up his pen it was cute. I had him trained up so that he'd jump up on my hand and I could pet him. This was my first time keeping chickens and I thought I was doing a good job keeping them social. My boss from work also keeps chickens and he was amazed at my tale and wanted to come see my birds. Little buddy would jump up on my hand all though his teenage years on command untill finally the day came where my boss made his way to my place to visit. I showed off my Easter Eggers and how tame they were.. I fed them all sunflower seeds after i shelled them with my mouth and even left the seed on between my lips and let the hen take it from my lips cause i trusted her. I was very proud to impress my boss. Then finally it came time for the grand finale. Little Buddies leap into chicken tamer history! I motioned for him to do the trick and he jumped up! Success!! Little Buddy them proceeded to bite the skin on the back of my hand and hump me furriously untill my boss had to leave the barn because he was laughing to hard and couldnt breathe....

Ill never live it down. (Little Buddy is my Avatar)


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My favorite chicken story:

Much needed background is that I have been a Veterinary Technician for the past 13 years and I had a friend over who was an Emergency Veterinary Doctor for the hospital we both worked at. He was very interested in getting some chickens for his backyard so we were sitting in the yard enjoying watching the chickens scratch around and dust bathing. He was a little nervous about owning his own. We both had a beer in hand when one of my Brahmas let out this shrill shriek and ran frantically around the yard with what looked like a handle bar mustache! We laughed hysterically thinking it was a huge worm and then we realized it was a snake! We jumped out of our chairs, tossed our beers and screamed like 5 year olds! Well Maude starting chasing us with snake in beak and along came the other 12 hens! We panicked and tried hiding behind a large oak tree when Loretta (sex-link) grabbed the other end of the snake and together they pulled each other all around the tree until snap! Both my friend and I were wearing snake guts! I thought for sure he would never own a chicken and now he owns 5! We still get a good laugh and cry to this day!!
Short and sweet and I thought hillarious.

I bought 22 pullets, 2 roosters and one meat bird in September. No big deal, except the meat chicken Thinks he is the brood master.

Anyway, I went to feed one recent afternoon and what did I find, a chicken stack. You know how cheerleaders make a stack or pyramid, well the meat bird was sitting on the ground, a red star pullet was sitting on his back, another pullet (breed unknown) was sitting on her back. When he heard me come into the pens, the meat bird stood up, the the redstar stood up on his back then the unknown on her back. Now I see this "giant" chicken standing in the pen. They must have stood for 5 minutes and then like clumpsy cheer leaders the whole stack came tumbling down. And of couse I didn't have my camera. Would have been great on You Tube.
One day after I was finished with my chicken chores I went to take a shower and so I was washing my hair and I looked up and there was my rooster just staring at me and it scared me half to death.
Our journey into the world of chickens began on my drive home from work, just before Easter. I heard an ad on the radio from our local feed store, saying that they had chicks. I started thinking about when I was a child, my brothers and I each had a pastel-dyed chick at Easter (which my father mysteriously re-homed when they got too big.) Thinking the feed store had some sort of petting zoo, I decided to take my 10-year-old daughter to see the chicks. Next thing I know, my adult daughter and 5-year-old granddaughter were along for the ride.

So we get to the feed store and there they are...hundreds of chicks, as cute as can be. No, it's not a petting zoo; the only way we can touch one is if I buy it. No problem. Oops, they have a five chick minimum. No problem. At this point, while we are selecting our favorite chicks, the sales clerk (who can spot an impulse buyer a mile away) swoops down on me and begins her lecture. Do you have a heat lamp? Food? Feeder? Waterer? Bedding? Large plastic bin to keep them in? Yes! Yes, I have a large plastic bin! The rest? No problem. (Well, maybe a little problem...but the chicks were so darn cute...)

$100 later, I take the girls to lunch as promised. So there we are, sitting in the booth, ready to eat, when suddenly it dawns on us that we have five baby chicks sitting in a box in my car...and we are getting ready to eat chicken sandwiches from Chick Fil-A. You never saw four people lose their appetite so fast.

We may not have enjoyed our lunch that day, but we have enjoyed everything else about our life with chickens. Seven months later, I couldn't begin to count how much our "trip to the petting zoo" has cost me...and you know what? No problem!
Just one of many episodes of crazy happenings on the farm!! This summer I went out to do chores, let the chickens out and so forth. 2 of my daughters, Gwenyth and Allie were with me helping. I was feeding the chickens and I noticed a big white rooster with a big red comb, we don't have a rooster like that ours are small! I asked the girls if they see him and if we still have our 3 hens like him. Yep, there were 3, ...he wasn't one of our regular flock! That afternoon I went back down to check on them and he was gone. I was recalling the story to my husband and other 2 children and if it weren't for Gwenyth confirming it they would have thought I was truly living up to their nickname for me the "Crazy Chicken Lady"! Then we asked Allie, my 6 year old, if she saw him and I discribed him and she said, "oh yeah, I saw him, I named him Big Fred", then went on about her buisness!!! Jay and I looked at each other and laughed, she cracks us up all the time. Well needless to say he was not back in the morning but that evening I was out and Katrina called me and said that big white rooster is running around the yard and jumped in the chicken pen. I said just leave him and I will check when I get home. Well he is still here, he comes and goes, out and in of the pen. He doesn't cause any problems with the hens or other roosters. It is just the strangest thing to have a rooster just show up; who knows what will show up next!!!! And now the rest of the story.... we didn't have a rooster just an older hen that friends didn't want anymore. Apparently she kept getting into the neighbors garden and my friends were told to get rid of her. So they thought it would be funny to pass her onto to our funny farm! She is still here and we still call her Fred! We will take any cast away on our farm!
Okay, so I went outside with my lunch, a bowl of Joe's O's, and I went inside the chickens coop. My little BR cockerel, Speckles, jumped up on the bench that I was sitting on. "Hi Speckles!" I said cheerfully, and I pet his fuzzy little back. Then. He jumped in my bowl and started eating. I amidietly took him out and put him on the ground. I never ate in the coop again.

Speckles then;

Speckles now;
This is the story of Tweety. A Polish cross hen, with a fairly calm feather hairdoo. One day, a gal we know stopped by with this chicken in a very small cage. She said "it's a rooster and if you don't take it, the next stop for him will be the stockpot!" This was a beautiful calm chicken, handraised by the ladies daughter. Carried everywhere. A real pet. I had no objections,so, Tweety came to stay. A few weeks later, I was kindly reminded of Tweety's presence by the now expected "peck" on the top of my foot. Her usual job was to follow me around and help. However this time, she then sat down next to my foot as I arranged things in my feed can. A few minutes later, a resounding "BOCK" from the bird. I look down to see Tweety walk away, and next to my foot? A fresh from Tweety egg- laid right next to my foot! Rooster indeed!! Our chickens add so much enjoyment to our lives, Tweety certainly does!
My funniest chicken story is when we first got our chickens we had them in a bunny cage and we have a small poodle dog and ever day we would go check on them she would want to come and check on them to she would go in the cage and count them. so know that the chickens our big they love having her around. but when our other dog comes around he gets chased and he is scared of them it always fun to see them.

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