Ended Tell Us Your Funniest Chicken Story to Win Six Bags of Feed from Nutrena!

My Black Australorp, Sally, gives me a good laugh every time I watch her interact with my dog Ben. Ben isn't known for being nice to other animals, he has in fact killed quite a number of rabbits, coons, possums and cats over the years. I have got him to where he will not attack the chickens (at least as long as I'm watching him), but Sally just LOVES to push her luck and pester him. She will peck at his feet and walk up underneath him, while he gives me dirty looks like "You have GOT to be kidding"! The funniest moment came when Miss Sally decided she wanted a bird's eye view of the world and flew up on old Ben's shoulders. For a moment both Ben and I were too shocked to do anything, but when Benny finally realized what had happened, he took off like a bucking bronc with Sally hanging on for dear life. I just knew that bird was gonna die, but Ben couldn't quite reach her, so just kept running and twisting. Of course I was in hot pursuit, trying like heck to catch the bird before the dog did. I finally managed to give Sally a hard de-throning and she flapped up into a small tree, and I caught Ben and collapsed in laughter as I tried to calm him. Ride 'em, Sally!
Today, since becoming a motherhen she no longer screams and runs away.

We didn't have any "Screamer"s but the 3 least friendly of our young birds were the Anconas and one of the Partridge Chanteclers. The Chantecler hasn't laid yet and is still distant but the Anconas started laying 2 weeks ago.
Must be hormons or something because they are quite friendly now. One of them will fly up to your shoulder (or my wife's head that one time) uninvited, just to say hello.

It wasn't until last year at his Christmas party when one of his co-workers came up and and asked how if he had started building the coop for his chickens yet and in the 20 years of marriage, I had never seen him turn that red from being so embarrassed and busted. So now, we have over 20 chickens, four ducks and a wonderful chicken coop and working on a pond for the ducks and one humble hubby.

How much jewelry did you get the next day?
Then she proceeds to hop up on her belly and scratch around in circles mumbling disgustedly, circles round again and plops down, huffs and proceeds her laying process ON her chest. We both chuckled hysterically then returned to finish the project. Needless to say, when you gotta go... ya gotta go.

Do I have this right?
The bottom of the coop 2' off the ground. That would put the door starting maybe 2' 6" off the ground. Your wife is bent over backwards, lying face up in the coop with her feet on the ground?

She should be a plumber! My back kills for a day or more anytime I have to mess with a faucet in a cabinet lying on my back. And no, I'm NOT a plumber, I wouldn't last a week!!

I took it, thinking "Huh! A flashlight shaped like a gun!" and started pulling the trigger to get the light to come on. Steve screamed "MOM! NO!!!" and grabbed the light back. He stood there for a moment, and even in the moonlight I could tell he was pale and shaken. "Mom, this is my 9 mm with a TAC light. You almost shot your new chickens!"



I think your son might want to think twice about ever again using a firearm as a flashlight. You got lucky.

While many families were in harms way and will never forget the tornado of 2012 for unpleasant reasons, our family's memory will always be of the night we spent in the basement with the chickens and Dad's reaction to getting up close and personal with one of them for the first time. Good times!

Glad you heeded the warnings, planned well and everyone (2 legged, 4 legged, feathered) came through well.

Now, how do you get tons of sand out of your basement when you are ready to finish it??

Glad you heeded the warnings, planned well and everyone (2 legged, 4 legged, feathered) came through well.

Now, how do you get tons of sand out of your basement when you are ready to finish it??


LOL! The same way we put it in, one wretched bucket at a time. The only difference being up the ladder instead of down. We moved the birds out before it got excessively hot and then went to work moving the sand. Between the kids and I we got it done. We didn't even ask DH to help, just where he wanted the sand. We're not ready to finish it and probably won't ever be. I'm thinking about turning it into a greenhouse with a large root cellar beneath. I'm full of great ideas!
really fun thread! enjoyed everyone's stories :) Best of luck to us all! :)

ps: I did some research and some hens have(?) layed more than one egg a day??? lol. But these second batch of (lightning) eggs definately weren't MEANT to be layed that day, as they were not hard shelled, but rubbery.

That's what I love about this chicken hobby. You NEVER stop learning. :) oxoxox
Thank you so much to everyone who entered!!! This contest is now closed!

We're SO excited to read all of your stories, and we'll be announcing the winner on Wednesday!

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