Ended Tell Us Your Funniest Chicken Story to Win Six Bags of Feed from Nutrena!

You sound as sympathetic as my wife! Years ago I was digging a 4' deep trench next to the foundation for a drain pipe from the roof gutters to the foundation drain clean out pipe (**). The side collapsed and buried me to my thighs. of course the shovel was not in reach so I called for my wife. She came out to see what I needed and handed me the shovel ... after she went back in the house to get the camera.

(**) NEVER DO THIS. When tree roots clog the pipe that drains the foundation drain to "open air", the water from the gutters has to go somewhere. In my case, that is the drain in the basement floor, also connected to the foundation drain, installed in case the washer ever overflows. It never has, but the basement has flooded 3 times due to root blockage.
Soo, where are the pictures?
My funny chicken story is also a funny hubby story.

We live in an older farm house. Where we park our cars is not really close to the door, so when we get a load of groceries we usually put them in a wagon, bring them to the front door, and then bring the bags inside from there. Well, one day we came home from getting groceries. I bring in an arm load of bags and am putting them away. All of a sudden, there's hubby with the WHEELBARROW IN MY KITCHEN, full of bags of groceries! Just when I started to holler about the dirty wheel track, around the corner come about 30 chickens in my kitchen because he left the front door open to fit the wheelbarrow in.

It is very difficult to put groceries away in a tiny kitchen with a wheelbarrow in the middle of the floor and every inch of floor space has a chicken inspecting every bag, knowing that there are treats in there somewhere.

Needless to say, the wheelbarrow tracks were the least of the mess on my floor that day.
This is my second year with hennies, we now have four lovely ladies. An Easter Egger mix (Waffles), a Polish Crested (Kiev), and two Australorp sisters (KC and BullsEye). Yes, I have a warped sense of humor.

Well, as chickens will, one of the big black Aussies decided she wanted to go broody. We have two nesting boxes, but guess what? They all like one. So while she had her Wide Load parked on the favored nest, I was finding eggs everywhere. Fine. I’d teach her! I rigged the box door so I could open and close it from outside the coop. Every night when I got home from work, I went in, picked her up, and put her on the proper roost for the night. She was not happy.

One evening, I headed in to do my evil deed and uproot her from her nice, comfy spot. I gently cradled her, lifting her from the nesting box, and put her on the roost as usual. For some reason, on that night, her coordination was a little off. Perhaps she’d been drinking? Her feet gripped the roost, but she flipped right over and hung, upside down, for a solid minute. Big, black wings wide, she did her best imitation of BatMan (BatBird?) I reached over to help her and she let go. Chickens, it turns out, do not always land on their feet. And they hold grudges…
I started raising chickens 4 years ago, they were very friendly, specialy my golden comet Adele.
One morning, in the summer she found her way inside the house and I let her explore for a while...
She found a fruit basket and sat in it with an air of content... Little we knew ... She laid an egg!! right there in my kitchen on the counter top !! after that day she would come every morning and peck at the kitchen french door for us to open the door to her and she would jump in her basket on the counter to lay her egg while we had breakfast !!
I love, love, LOVE this story!!!!
When I first started raising chickens I knew nothing other than make sure they had water and food we'll my pop who loves the fact that I'm not a real farm girl told me when I get my first baby chicks I need to clean there bottoms with a Q-tip and vaseline to make sure there baby feathers didn't get matted up on there behinds or they could get bound up and die.. I an adult believed this so for about 3 days every morning I would check there little bottoms and make sure they were clean and removed any matting with the Q-tip dipped in vaseline Poor chicks now I know why they chirped so loud!!....Well my pop took me to the feed store to get some baby chicken food when he told the owner George what I was doing with all the vaseline and Q-tips I thought George was going to drop dead laughing this is still talked about at the feed store and now when I buy baby chicks they always ask if I need more vaseline and Q-tips. HAHA
My chickens love your products. Ok, this is funny. I'm a real stickler for making sure my 12 hens and 1 rooster are spoiled, well loved, and happy. I had never missed a day caring for them since I got them as day old chicks. one day I was called away to care for my mother and knew I would be cutting it close to be home by the chickens bedtime. I read my husband the riot act before leaving and even wrote out detailed instructions and made him swear not to let anything happen to my tiny flock. Upon returning home I called my husband to see how my babies are. he said they have been very quiet and he had barely seen them that day. I was frantic! I pulled in our drive 20 minutes before sunset and raced to the coop. My husband was at my heels yelling for me not to open the coop door. I began crying cause I knew something was wrong. As I opened the door there was an awful moan and the shock of my life. It took a double take to realize I was looking at 13 naked rubber chickens. My husband and his friend had gone to the local gag shop to buy the rubber look a likes then hid my flock in the garage. After the relief I did have a good laugh.
My funny story about a chicken

When i was little my grandad used to own a farm he had chickens, ducks ect. One day i was playing in the barn some of the ducks and chickens used to go in and out of there from time to time and one day i would a large egg, i wasn't sure what sort of egg it was but it was not in a nest and it was cold and so i decided to make an incubator and see if it would hatch....and it did
I was so happy. It was chicken chick that had hatched. It used to follow me everywere, if i went into the house if would come in and if i went to to the bathroom and just pushed the door to it would puch it's way in it was the same if i was in the bath it would push the door open to come into the bathroom with me
We used to save it all the scraps of food left over from dinner, before i got the chicken we used to give all the scraps to our dog skip but the chicken always got there first and beat him to it. i bet skip used to think " grrr.....thats my food chicken!" haha bless him
If i was indoors and my big white chicken was outside it used to come and peck at the door and i would let her in and she would just run in and she would even sometimes get on to my dogs bed and lay with skip.

hehe thats my little story, hope you like it!
bye .xx
It is very difficult to put groceries away in a tiny kitchen with a wheelbarrow in the middle of the floor and every inch of floor space has a chicken inspecting every bag, knowing that there are treats in there somewhere.
OK, I like it. Might be a winner!

I don't think I could get the garden cart through the door nor up the 2 steps to the kitchen either so I guess there will be no tire track problem at my house. Some of the chickens like to come up on the back porch by the door to the kitchen but they always run down if we open it to go outside. Buuuttt, I wouldn't be surprised to find them in the house if the door were left open, being as they are very curious creatures. Don't know how long they would stay when the 3 cats spot them though.


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