Tell your 'what the heck was that thing?' scary story

The only one I can think to share is when we toured the House of the Seven Gables in Massachusetts. We did the whole guided tour thing, my parents, myself and my brother. When we did the attic portion, my mom said she kept getting so annoyed because the person behind her kept bumping into her while the tourguide was talking. After we were done up there we went down the hidden staircase which was really narrow and my mother still felt the person practically stepping on her. So she stopped to turn around to tell them to back off or they were going to cause her to trip on the stairs.. and there was no one behind her. We were the last people in the group. Later we actually watched a ghost show where they talked about historical places that were haunted, and they talked about the house of seven gables & how people had felt an odd presence in the attic! Apparently there are reports that a little boy is seen up there. You can actually look it up online and there are tons of stories about that attic. We had no idea that the place was supposedly haunted when we were there and only found out almost a year later when we happened to see the TV show. I toured it again about 10 years later and felt nothing in the attic that time. So I don't know what to think about that!
So several years ago my mother and I frequented a doctor that lived around forty miles away from our house, as my mother had cancer and I was diagnosed with Ebstein Bar. We had doctors appointments twice a week. The doctor we went to lived in the middle of nowhere basically, my mother, she, and I had became pretty great friends as time went by. We confided in her and she confided in us.
After about a year of being friends we went up for a follow up appointment because I had been having another flare of Ebstein Bar. So we pulled into the driveway and instantly I felt extremely ill, which was common for me due to my sickness, but this feeling was more of a environmental feeling, not a physical illness type. So we exited the car and entered the doctors office, and instantly I felt something was wrong. Our doctor sat in her kitchen, and you could tell something was wrong. Her secretary kinda gave my mother and I the be careful what you say look, but me being me I walked into the kitchen and asked her what was wrong. Now at times things flash through my mind, in a sense. So as I made my way through the office someone sneaking through the halls and through the rooms kept flashing through my mind.
Instantly I knew someone had broken in. As this continued thousands of dollars of product, and medical equipment went missing from our doctors office. She told us she had no idea who it was, but I insisted that I looked around. So I walked past her towards the laundry room, where she washed blankets for her patients, and then I stopped at a cupboard and an image filled my mind. Slowly I turned to our doctor and asked, "Was this door open this morning when you came in?"

She nodded her head, "Yeah, the door was practically ripped off of it's hinges.

So I continued to walk through the office and everything I asked she confirmed. After a while she got things under control and the thief stopped because I told her to post a note telling them she knew who it was, in fact I had told her it was her cleaning lady under suspicion and things she had noticed seemed to actually prove that it was her.

Meanwhile as we had attended our appointments I had noticed that the home and the office all held an awful presence, if you leaned close enough to the vents you could hear whispering through them, which was weird. In the office the doctor had all of her mothers items, and you could feel her presence, then things got weirder.

Well anyways one day my mother and I went to another appointment I saw the doctors husband as we walked in, to me he looked awful. Later after the doctors appointment my mother and I got into the car, I turned to her and spoke, kind of worried, "Mom t Jill's husband is going to die."

My mom kind of rubbed it off. Until the next morning. I woke up and felt that something was wrong, now I had no idea what it was but I knew deep inside exactly what it was. So I walked down the stairs to my moms room and found her crying in the bathroom, she turned to me and said, "Jill's husband committed suicide last night after we left." Talk about goosebumps, not only that but I felt awful for not telling Our doctor what I had felt the previous day.

We had another doctors appointment the next day and drove out to see Jill. She pulled us into her office and locked the door and turned to me. Her eyes where red and her eye liner was smudged, then she asked, "Do you trust Catherine?" Who was a friend of hers and ours that was a "Medium"
"Uh, sorta." I replied, "Why?"

So Jill paced for a moment then spoke, "Well last night around midnight Catherine called me and told me to get my butt out of bed and go out to the pasture because my horse was dead and that my dead husband had killed it."

She continued and sure enough the horse was dead upon inspection, she checked it and it's heart had stopped. By now she was in tears, "He was the healthiest horse we had. But not only that Catherine told me that my husband was possessed, that he would have killed me if he hadn't killed himself."
Now I did not believe one but of what Catherine has said about her husband, I had talked to him plenty of times, and spent time with him with there horses, he was in no way a bad man. I felt sick after that conversation, and told her that Catherine was wrong, I knew that the horse had died, but had her husband killed it?

That evening my mother was in really bad pain and so she took a pain pill, later she ended up in my room telling me that Jill's husband was standing at the bottom of her bed just staring at her. Not only that but Jill said the same night a cloaked man stood in her driveway the entire night. Now I will save my whole thing on the cloaked man later because it creeps me out but I hope you enjoy this not quite scary, but weird story.
Ok so this is just a quick one -
We were skiing as class (common in our school, but not all schools here shockingly) when my friend showed up. Well I wanted to ski with him and we were both slow skiers so I waited. We ended skiing the entire trail, but as we were around the end strip, we heard a whistling. Then a crunching of walking. Whistling. Walking. I get chills remembering it. We both felt and heard a presence. Now, he's Christian and a scaredy cat so I expected this from him I guess to over emphasize some things, but he got in my head. He'd whistle and then someone would whistle back.
It wasn't much, but we were getting our hinds out of there, freaked. Out.
Ok got another, this is more lol but stil -
So my friend (more like grandpa <3 ) has lived on this road for a long time. Even lived in our house! Even made a road we drive by, built a house, hunted some wolves! So one day he was hanging with his Gf, when he heard a BANG by the road. He ran down there expecting to see a car crash. Nothing. The way the road is is there's a main road, that turns onto a side road, and were at so you drive onto the side road, then take an immediate right onto a highway. There's also woods everywhere here, and there was a bunch of willows. But everything looked fine. So he walked back up. Not long after he heard a BANG. Again, nothing. He heard yelling, So he decided to look into willows.
What happened was this criminal was out running the cops when he crashed into the willows, but they sprung back up, hiding the car. A cop did the exact same thing, landing a few feet from the criminal, never knowing. He yelled for help. LOL.
I will finish reading everyones in a minute,but I LOVE this thread, good to see there are so many like-minded people who don't shrug it off as nothing!

ALL my life, I have believed in all that stuff,well for as long as I knew they existed, point being I've thought that there was "more" out there.

I believe in bigfoot, I believe in ghosts, the mothman, all of that.

The Mothman was a very real thing. Anyone ever see the movie?

It wasn't like that.

I live in the Mothman area. As teenagers, we hung out in the TNT

playground. I remember looking for

That last one could've been a fox... The screeching sound reminds me of a sound they make when they are communicating with their mates... Perhaps your dog was in heat (if she's not spayed) or was spayed late so thought maybe she could breed with a fox?
Ok. I found this thread late this afternoon and I have sat her and read the entire thing. Hubby is snoring behind me so I'm safe even with the window open. I have a few "What the heck was that" stories of my own. Neither of these can be classified paranormal or cryptid but I can honestly say I have no idea what they were.(Reports of Bigfoot have been made about 4 miles from my home in the piney woods of east Texas)

I live about 10 miles from any real civilization, but there are farms and little subdivisions all around. For the most part it's pretty dense woods. The land we live on belonged to my parents, who live across the road and a 10 acre hay field. My brother lives across the road and down about an acre and a half. Not very far. The mobile home we were living in was perpendicular to the road. Normal set up with the front porch being closer to the road with enough room to walk around the end to the backyard gate.(sorry this is long but I have to set it up). I have several large dogs that are always on alert and will bark at dangerous wild leaves or my cats(who they sleep with) who may just morph into monsters at any moment. That being said, we have no known large carnivores with the exception of coyotes around here(so the wildlife service says). Late one night my husband and I were sitting on the front steps enjoying the cool breezes just talking quietly. Crickets were chirping. It was lovely. Out of nowhere we hear the deepest, loudest growl I have ever heard.....coming from the end of the trailer, not 15 feet from us. We both froze, hair on my neck and arms stood up and we both asked at the same time "Did you hear that!" My husband grabbed the shotgun right inside the door and eased his way around(he went wide). There was nothing there. My dogs never made a sound and there was no way for something to slip through the underbrush without making noise in that area. I've been a vet tech for 20 plus years and I can tell you that what we heard that night was not a canine.

Continuing to remember my layout description above. Another night we were again sitting on the porch having come from my parents house after a BBQ. My sis-in-law had mentioned she was leaving right after us. So, sitting on the porch enjoying the night, we hear a blood curdling scream coming from the direction of my brother's house. Then a series of yells and a mans voice. I immediately jump up to call my sis-in-law. No answer. Call my parents and she is still there. Hubby, with trusty shotgun, walks toward the road. We have a very deep ditch that runs between our place and the road. Our bridge is old railroad ties. He got to out side of the bridge and he said every nerve in his body told him to stop. That if he kept walking he would see something he didn't want to see. My husband isn't afraid of anything. Literally. To the point of being foolish sometimes. He would not walk out in the road. By this time the cavalry is on the way from my parents' They searched all up and down the road, around my brother's house and the hay field in front of my house and behind my brother's house. Never found anything. This whole thing, besides the search, happened in the span of about 10 minutes.

My brother has told me that a couple times when he's come home late late from work and is feeding horses, that he has seen headlights and heard a motor from an old modelT type car go up my parents drive but farther away in the hay field. He did some checking and found that there used to be an old farm road right in that area.

I've always been uncomfortable going out at night here. If I have to there are times that I want to run back to the house. Not always, but on the nights that I do, I'm extremely jumpy while out there. I refuse to look out dark windows. I have an active imagination. Always have. Most things I see or hear I can discount. These things I cannot.
I LOVE this thread and read it in record time.
I have lots of stories but I am sure I have told them all at one time or another on here.
I don't believe I have told this one here though...if it's a repeat, forgive me,lol.
Last September I was staying at my parents place while they were on vacation with my 24 year old son.
Now I guess I need to sort of set the scene here. It was one of those nights that no ac is needed, just beautiful.
We had all the upstairs windows open but because of things happening in the past, the only window we had open downstairs was the smaller bathroom window and it's quite high up though because of neighbors, the blind was still down.
I had gone downstairs around 4 am to use the bathroom. I was washing my hands when some THING was at the window, snuffling and growling like nothing I have ever heard! (I live in an area where we are fairly familiar with bears, cougars etc, becoming more plentiful)
Before this I would have ALWAYS said I was a fight before flight person but I ran upstairs to the doorway of my room, just stood there, heart pounding, not believing what had just happened.
THEN I heard it walk around to the front of the house where my room was. I was frozen. I mean, absolute ice frozen. That has never happened to me before either.
Shortly after that, it wandered away, though I could hear it going for a while. Needless to say, I didn't sleep anymore and was glad to be going home that day.
When it got light (yes, checked for tracks further out, but it is concrete under the window.) I had my 6'2" son stand under the window and reach up, he could barely touch the bottom ledge with his fingertips. Whatever it was, the face was right in the window, I could hear it against the makes me wonder how tall IT was.
On another note, right around the same time period, a woman was taking something to her husband at one of the gulf courses and a huge, bi-pedal hairy being walked across the road in front of her car.
I have done a lot of research on this. They say that some predators use infra-sound to confuse/freeze their prey. I am not a person that frightens easily and have seen a lot. It's the only way I can explain the complete terror, never felt it before.
I LOVE this thread and read it in record time.
I have lots of stories but I am sure I have told them all at one time or another on here. I don't believe I have told this one here though...if it's a repeat, forgive me,lol. Last September I was staying at my parents place while they were on vacation with my 24 year old son. Now I guess I need to sort of set the scene here. It was one of those nights that no ac is needed, just beautiful. We had all the upstairs windows open but because of things happening in the past, the only window we had open downstairs was the smaller bathroom window and it's quite high up though because of neighbors, the blind was still down. I had gone downstairs around 4 am to use the bathroom. I was washing my hands when some THING was at the window, snuffling and growling like nothing I have ever heard! (I live in an area where we are fairly familiar with bears, cougars etc, becoming more plentiful) Before this I would have ALWAYS said I was a fight before flight person but I ran upstairs to the doorway of my room, just stood there, heart pounding, not believing what had just happened. THEN I heard it walk around to the front of the house where my room was. I was frozen. I mean, absolute ice frozen. That has never happened to me before either. Shortly after that, it wandered away, though I could hear it going for a while. Needless to say, I didn't sleep anymore and was glad to be going home that day. When it got light (yes, checked for tracks further out, but it is concrete under the window.) I had my 6'2" son stand under the window and reach up, he could barely touch the bottom ledge with his fingertips. Whatever it was, the face was right in the window, I could hear it against the makes me wonder how tall IT was. On another note, right around the same time period, a woman was taking something to her husband at one of the gulf courses and a huge, bi-pedal hairy being walked across the road in front of her car. I have done a lot of research on this. They say that some predators use infra-sound to confuse/freeze their prey. I am not a person that frightens easily and have seen a lot. It's the only way I can explain the complete terror, never felt it before.
I have never heard about the infra-sound before, interesting thought. Have your parents ever heard seen anything? Don't think I would want to watch their house again.

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