Tell your 'what the heck was that thing?' scary story

I used to work for AAA in So Cal. I worked in offices in two different locations. In the first office, it was newer building and a single story. I was working the check in counter where we would check in members and hand out maps and such. I was stuffing fliers in little information booklets when out of the corner of my eye, I cought the front door opening. This older gentleman walked in and was walking up to the desk getting his wallet out. He was a little over 6 feet, jeans, red shirt, tan shoes, and had a black felt cap like fisherman wear. Grayish hair peeking out from under it. As I turned to help him, no one was there. I knew the door was opend because the fliers we had posted by the enterance flapped as they did when the door was opened. No one else had come in or had left. I figured that even ghosts can get lost and must need maps!
This location also had lighting problems with the ladies restroom. When an employee would go in, sometimes the lights would get shut off. At first we thought one of the other employees was playing a trick on us. So, we just kinda ignored it thinkning that it was a prank being pulled by another employee. One evening our Office Manager was working late, by herself and went to the restroom. It happend to her that night and she was like Wow! What the heck! I really need facilities to fix this! We had facilities out countless times and they'd check light bulbs, wiring, the works. Once it finally happened to a customer, they finally installed a lockable box over the switch plate and the key was held by the Office Mamager. About a month after that, our Administrative Assistant was in there and the lights went off. She was furiuos! She was like Aha! I'll get the culprit yet! She stormed over the locked box and found that the switch was off. The only key was still in the Office Managers pocket and she was out of the building for lunch.

The second location I worked at was an old two story building with no elevator. We had an elevator shaft, but that was a closet. That location was Haunted. With a capitol H. My supervisor never stayed alone when she worked late. She had her kids come over and watch movies while she worked. We had the usual lights going on and off things, being moved, cold spots, wierd noises, people you see out of the corner of your eye but aren't really there. The upstairs claims areas were worse then the down stairs. We even had one claims adjuster keep crosses and holy water at her desk. People who lived on the same street that the building was on would come in as ask what we were doing at night-turning different lights on and off. Once a lady called the police thinking someone had broken into the building. They came but found nothing and the motion sensor alarm was not tripped.
I came in in the mornings about an hour before we opened to get my departments area up and running, the coffee started and my DMV duties finished before we opened. I usually was one of one or two other people in the building for about 30 mins. One sunny morning, I had the lower lever to myself and a claims adjuster upstais-we were the only two in the building. I was working on my paperwork, sipping my coffe and the elevator shaft was behind me with the door closed. I kept hearing knocking and thought that the claims "people" were toying with me. Finally, after about 15 mins of knocking, the claims adjuster came flying down the stairs asking me what was going on and was I ok. I was like "yeah but what are you doing in the old ele shaft"? He asked me the same thing! Just as we were thinking eachother was pulling a prank, the knocking started really really fast. We looked at eachother and ran. We went outside and waited until more people showed up. (Safety in numbers right?) When the office manager showed up he asked us why were we outside. We told him and he looked rather relieved. I thougt that was and odd resction since it was rather scary. He said the same thing happend to him when he was working late. He heard knocking in the elevator shaft and he knew he was the only one in the building. He was relieved he was not going crazy.
Great all the stories. I enjoy stories of the paranormal, but I don't believe i could handle an encounter..
camels can eat you, you know.

No, it's the alpacas that are so flippin' terrifying. Especially if you happen to be one of my neurotic horses, who freak out if they see the silhouette of something that might be alpaca-shaped in the neighbor's far field. .

I do actually find them kinda creepy; the people I work for have one and it frankly does not make enough noise for me to consider him anything other than a vampire-zombie alpaca. He keeps coming up right behind me and breathing on my neck, which is SO CREEPY!! This animal is terrified of its owners (unfortunately not of me) and just before I started working there he got a really bad eye infection that they were unable to treat, since he runs wild and couldn't really be caught. So, for the first couple weeks both eyes were white rimmed with blood red. DID NOT HELP CREEPINESS FACTOR. Now, it's down to one eye with a large cataract looking thing obscuring about a third of the eye. Still creepy.
I had a screaming thing on the farm. I was getting the willies about it. That quickly turned to anger when my hubby finally heard it. It was a red fox. I also ran into a Emu on some land we lease. That was a bit weird.
When I was in high school I was driving home with a friend. We were worried about time because we were cutting it close to curfew. My friend lived with us at the time (my mom said she could stay as long as she stayed out of trouble and kept up her grades)

Well there was a flash of something on the side of the road. I swear it was this strange creature. It look humanoid, pinkish and bald with a big bulbous head, with long spindly arms and legs and fingers, crouched by the side of the road. I was worried it might have been a person, even though it was small maybe three feet, and chunky, and we were in the middle of no where.

So i turned around the first chance I got and went back. she and i searched up and down that road looking for this creature a good fifteen minutes. I know how long because we had gone over curfew and knew we would be in trouble.

Finally we gave up and headed home but as we pulled up we saw my parents and the police there.

A drunk had driven off the road, into our drive and taken out the trash cans and the mail box before plowing into the ditch going over 80 mph almost fifteen minutes ago on the dot. About the time we would have arrived. I would have stopped in that spot to check the mail and to say hello to the neighbors dog in their fence.

If we hadn't gone back to look we could have been there when the drunk driver came through.

it was strange
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