Tell your 'what the heck was that thing?' scary story

could it have been a raven? which is bigger

Yeah Kristy, if you read the bottom part of my post I discovered that it was a raven. But at the time when I saw it I didn't know that.
I'm just relieved you guys don't think I'm nuts! I almost didn't tell the story because it's so strange. I haven't told too many people. My own father saw it and won't even talk about it. I tried to ask him about it once, and he literally said "I don't know what it was, now let's change the subject" in a strangely dismissive way. It was like he didn't even want to think about it. I remember when he came back from the woods that day too, he was silent all night.
No, I dont think youre crazy, its a great story, and if you made it up, youre very talented! but I dont think so....
No, I swear I am not making it up. I'm too old to be making up stories like that, lol. I swear on my precious kitties and chicken's lives this is a real memory for me. Now, I'd think it was likely my imagination if it weren't for the fact that my father saw it and shot at it. I'm not saying it was a "Manticore", I honestly don't believe mythical creatures exist, it just isn't logical to me. But it did look exactly like the drawings I posted. I don't know what it was, all I know is it's the strangest thing I've ever seen in my life.
I'm not the least bit surprised that there are things in the woods. Things that are not known.

A couple quick stories

My dad spent his teen years in Sumner Wa. just outside Seattle. There used to be a mountain lion that used to yowl/howl near where he lived. It was his goal to shoot the lion, so he would go out in the dark with his 22, looking to find it. He laughs now about it, and never even saw it. But told me that once he found a giant south american ant eater wandering in the woods. Says he knew what one looked like from school and it was exactly that a giant SA anteater. Said it was about 4 feet tall. He thinks someone must of had one as a pet or it escaped from a zoo. I have my doubts about the pet or zoo theory. Don't think either is likely especially in 1950.

The other story is there is a trail to Lake Perseverence near where I grew up. It is a well maintained trail, some parts are even boardwalk, through the Alaskan woods for 4+ miles. One day I was maybe 16, my brother was 14, we decided to hike up to the lake. We get to the lake, and start to head back to the trailhead. About 1 mile back we hear something just out of sight making a lot of noise, breaking branches, shaking trees. We stopped and looked but couldn't see anything. This area of Ak is a rain forest so the brush is very thick, so it wasn't very far off the trail, maybe 50 ft. We decided it must be a bear and wanted to see it, but it was getting dark so continued on. The noise paced us through the woods, just out of sight for the next mile or so. At this point both my brother and I were freaking. That is not normal, and it was getting darker. I said to my brother let's run back to the car. We took off and ran the next couple miles in about 15 minutes. The noise did not follow us after we started running.

I did mention on another thread a while back that once, something threw a large tree branch at me when I was hiking in Ak. By large I mean I could not have picked it up and thrown it far at all. Could have dragged it. I saw it coming through the air, through the trees, and land a few feet from me. ended hiking for me that day.

I wonder how many others have seen something weird like this and never said anything or just blocked it out, or thought it was a dream...if it wasnt for your dad seeing it too, you probably would have dismissed it as a childs overactive imagination, huh?
No, I swear I am not making it up. I'm too old to be making up stories like that, lol. I swear on my precious kitties and chicken's lives this is a real memory for me. Now, I'd think it was likely my imagination if it weren't for the fact that my father saw it and shot at it. I'm not saying it was a "Manticore", I honestly don't believe mythical creatures exist, it just isn't logical to me. But it did look exactly like the drawings I posted. I don't know what it was, all I know is it's the strangest thing I've ever seen in my life.

Idk...personally I think mythical creatures have some basis in reality, otherwise where would the ideas come from?
Here is one I rarely talk about.

Many years ago. I was about 14 at the time.

It was the tail end of the days we would travel the powwow trail in the summers. Most of the people I knew was getting out of it. Even in the 90's there were signs of a depression coming because the specialty tourist markets like Powwows were beginning to dry out and a lot of people were soon unable to make money.

By the time I was 14 my parents only went to a couple a year, mostly to sell a few of my mothers soups and baskets and my step father's leather work to the fellow travelers. We had decided to go to a later in the summer get together at a friends house on the way home. Many other people from the trail decided to stop there and camp out in their yard. It's sort of a common practice since by the end of the season, if you didn't make money, you couldn't afford a hotel room.

Our friends threw a big BBQ, opened their homes to everyone set up canopies, and we had a wonderful weekend. I remember it clearly, the smell of flowers were thick in the air, it was hot and humid and the locusts were making a racket. One of the groups that were camping there was a drum team so they drug out their drum, and we spent the evening listening to them play, singing along to songs we knew, and dancing.

It was a small back woods area with a few houses clustered together and each house had several hundred acres behind it. the kids of each house new each other well so they crossed back and forth along the road some to ride the horses in one pasture some to get drinks at a friends house, some to go back to listen to the drum and or to run home to get pieces of regalia and join in on the dancing.

in the front of our friend's yard facing their drive is a line of bushes. to the right form where we stood was the "main" road. if you could call it that.

As dusk hit heavy and the bonfires lit the road , one of the nearby residents who lived a few miles down the road and came by to join in on the fun loaded her two kids into the car and said her good night.

she pulled out and her car disappeared behind the bushes and started home. I remembered standing, barefoot in the yard, with a soda in my hand, talking to someone when flying up along the main road, going over 90 mph this car speeds past then out of sight where the bushes block the view.

being my sarcastic self as a teenager I start to say " oh yeah I'm impressed, Idiot" but I didn't finish my sentence when I hear a huge POW! and then children start screaming. They begin appearing out of the brush and running into the yard I am standing in.

My first thought is "Oh my god they hit one of the children!"

I don't remember dropping the drink, I don't even remember making it to the scene. But I remember seeing our friend's car, we'll call her Peggy. Peggy's car, on the driver's side was folded in. The speeding car had hit her and was going so fast their car skidded almost a quarter of a mile before coming to a stop.

The driver and passenger of the speeding car were two teenagers that had been drinking. Neither were wearing their seatbelts. It was a miracle they both survived without permanent injury.

I ran up to the car with everyone else. Her 12 year old son got out wailing. he only had a small cut on his head. but her daughter, 4 years old in the back seat was very quiet and very pale. her big beautiful blue eyes turned up at me. there was another child with her, he had the most beautiful blond hair and these eyes, i don't remember irises, i just remember these deep huge pupils, that seemed to go on for eternity like huge voids. and he was right beside her, and she was so calm. so was he. it didn't strike me funny at first but he didn't have a seat belt, he didn't have any glass on him, there wasn't a hair out of place. he just looks at me as he sat by her. I assumed Peggy was just giving a neighborhood child a ride home as she often does.

someone pulled her out and handed her to me and I carried her away.

She never cried. she was so calm. She knew she was ok. When the ambulance arrived the paramedics checked her out. She didn't have a scratch or a bruise on her.

We sat there for three hours before someone came to take her home. Her mom and brother were taken to the hospital but strangely enough, even though both cars were completely destroyed everyone had only minor injuries.

I kept asking "what about the other little boy? is he ok?" and everyone kept saying "what little boy? who are you talking about?"

Later on I talked to Peggy and she said "Kristen, there was no other little boy. You were the only one who saw him.
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