Tell your 'what the heck was that thing?' scary story

Who's the non believer? I missed something. <laurajean starts to re-read the last few posts looking for the non-believer....>
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Several years ago a buddy and I were fishing from a boat in a large lake. After handling a fish, I put my hand in the water to rinse it off and my watch slipped off and sank into 30 feet of water.
About five years later we were fishing the same lake but several miles from where I lost my watch.
We caught several nice catfish. Then later, while cleaning them I found something that shocked me. I told my friend "you won't believe what I just found inside this fish.
He gave me a strange and astonished look and in a quivering voice asked "not your watch?"
I said no, of course not. It's a Coca-Cola bottle cap.
Now, if it had been my watch, that really would have been something!
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"quivering voice...." too funny.
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"quivering voice...." too funny.

I said he was a buddy but I didn't say anything about him being very bright.
He actually thought I had found my watch.
I guess he thought by doing so we had opened some secret portal to another realm!
"quivering voice...." too funny.

I said he was a buddy but I didn't say anything about him being very bright.
He actually thought I had found my watch.
I guess he thought by doing so we had opened some secret portal to another realm!

Oh man, that's REALLY cracking me up! I have this whole visual in my head of this buddy in a cap and plaid shirt and maybe a vest over it, eyes popping out in dismay.... oh, too much.
When I was little I used to run around the street playing tag, fearless. Even into the neighbor's yard where the girl from my grade in school said she saw a ghost. That yard had the best hiding places. I didn't believe in ghosts then- but I do now. Too many trustworthy BYC'ers saying they saw them. I guess if I saw one I would be scared, but as far as I know there's no ghost living in my house. Though I believe the spirit of my grandmother and her mother sometimes come to visit.
camels can eat you, you know.

Camels can only eat you after covering you in their spit. That is what starts the digestion process, so that they don't choke on you as the eat you. Of course you don't die because you are being eaten, but you die by drowning on dry land.
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We live on 6 acres that my grandparents purchased about 10 yrs ago with the intention that they & my mom & I would live here on sort of a family compound. It was a gorgeous piece of undeveloped land w/ woods, hills, & a small creek when they first bought it, but it's next to an old country cemetary with some graves dating back to before the Civil War. Before we moved onto it the previous owner happened to stop by & let it drop that members of the local Creek tribe had visited our land in years past because it had been part of a burial ground or something at one time & that some of the older graves in the cemetary were actually on our land. Now, my family is Scotch-Irish w/ some Cherokee thrown in, too, & none of us are exactly skeptics, but we didn't worry overly much about any spirits or anything. So we settled in & lived quietly for a couple of months tending to my grandad & raising my two little second cousins. And then it all started.

Doors would shut & open by themselves. My dog at the time would bark & growl like there was somebody or something there but there wouldn't be. My little cousin, who was a couple of months old when it started, would giggle & coo like somebody was playing with him, but there would be no one there. We would hear noises in the middle of the night like something was scratching at the window or heavy footsteps walking through the house. I can remember several times being at home alone with just the baby & hearing a man whisper my name, "Michelle. . . Michelle". It always sounded like it was in one of the other rooms no matter which room I was in at the time.

There were a lot of other things that happened during that time, but thankfully after a year it kind of died down. We would still hear the occassional unexplained footsteps at night but nothing like it was to start with. I guess maybe the ghosts just accepted that we were here & they'd have to share the land with us.

Then my grandad died in 2008 & it started back, but it was all different somehow. Doors still open & close. Things go missing for days & weeks (usually something that we need at the moment) & then we usually find them somewhere that we've already searched multiple times over. The doorbell chimes & when we check there isn't anyone at the door. We still hear footsteps, but they are more of a shuffling sound instead of a heavy tread (my grandad tended to shuffle his feet instead of picking them up when he walked). So, I like to think that it's him just letting us know that he's still with us.
camels can eat you, you know.

Camels can only eat you after covering you in their spit. That is what starts the digestion process, so that they don't choke on you as the eat you. Of course you don't die because you are being eaten, but you die by drowning on dry land.

so that's how they do it!
Who's the non believer? I missed something. <laurajean starts to re-read the last few posts looking for the non-believer....>

Im not a non believer. Ive always believed in stuff like that. Ever since i found out about it.

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