Tell your 'what the heck was that thing?' scary story

Ok, so I just read through this whole thing and I have a LOT of stories to tell. Most are my own, but some are from my dad. My mom doesn't believe in ghosts and thinks we're crazy. Yet she'll watch Ghost Hunters with me.

This first one is one of my dad's. He told me about it years ago, but it still sticks with me because I've tried to find it on the internet with no results. My dad was fishing with some friends when he was a kid. They were on a pond that had to be filled in because of weed killer on the interstate. Anyway, they were out on a boat and my dad had leaned over the side to wash fish slime off his hands. He saw something swimming towards the little boat really fast and sat up to watch it. He thought it was a fish. It circled under the boat a few times and he got a good look at it. It had a body a bit like an otter, all four of it's legs looked like a whale's flippers, it was covered in brown fur (at least, he thinks it was), and it had a human face. They went fishing there again. My dad thinks that it managed to leave the pond before the water was poisoned. Who knows?

Here is another one of his. When my dad was in his teens he demolished houses for people. Well, they were breaking down this really old house when this big dog started showing up. It decided it would stay with each of them on different nights. Not long after the dog showed up my dad started see this lady dressed in Victorian style clothing. She floated about foot above the bushes near the house. The dog would bark at it, but no one but my dad and the dog saw it. While they were breaking down one of the brick walls my dad found a ring in mortar. He gave to a friend and asked her to keep it. Both the ghost and the dog disappeared after he gave the ring away.

My mom talks about this next one every now and then. When I was 2 I ran away from home because my 'imaginary' friend told me that if I ran out on the highway she would be free. I got distracted because I wanted candy and never saw her again.

I have more, but I'll leave yall with that for now.
My dad had a girlfriend when he was younger who had a weird story like these...

She woke up in the middle of the night, and saw a ball of light slowly come through the wall, travel across the room, float out the window, and disappear into the sky. The next day, she found out that her neighbor (who lived in the apartment next to hers, through the wall) had died that night.
I also saw what I believe was ball lightning. I just happened to wake up in the middle of the night. I was looking towards a window that had closed curtains. All of a sudden this ball of light comes thru the closed window and the curtain. It rolled across my bed diagonally and into a wall. I remember it was a bright white ball of light that rolled just as a ball would. It was the size of a soccer ball and lit up the room. Weird huh? The real topper is that about a week or so later I happened to mention it to my DD and she had seen something in her room the very same night! She happened to be awake also.

I have another weirder story but I'm to tired to type it all out right now so I'll save it for another time!
I hope you can see the picture well. I drew this not long before posting. It creeps me out and it was even worst when I drew it. Ugh. It has six eyes and is normally laying on a table gutted. This thing haunts my dreams like no tomorrow. It looks like an Afghan Hound, but I'm not so great at drawing breeds.

I have, but I have to strange of dreams for it to help me any.
My most common dreams involve Lord of the Rings, zombies, and one of my favorite video games (Halo) all in the same dream.
I'm just odd.
I have, but I have to strange of dreams for it to help me any.
My most common dreams involve Lord of the Rings, zombies, and one of my favorite video games (Halo) all in the same dream.
I'm just odd.

I think you just spend a lot of time with these subjects, I say this because I have 2 teenagers who are into the same things and I hear about them having freaky dreams involving characters and situations from these movies/books/games. What goes into your mind, stays there. Which is why I dont watch this stuff anymore these days! btw, youre prob. no weirder than most, you just admit it!
I have, but I have to strange of dreams for it to help me any.
My most common dreams involve Lord of the Rings, zombies, and one of my favorite video games (Halo) all in the same dream.
I'm just odd.

I think you just spend a lot of time with these subjects, I say this because I have 2 teenagers who are into the same things and I hear about them having freaky dreams involving characters and situations from these movies/books/games. What goes into your mind, stays there. Which is why I dont watch this stuff anymore these days! btw, youre prob. no weirder than most, you just admit it!

Heck yeah! I love being weird. My dreams don't really bother me, it just makes for a good laugh when I write them down and post them for my friends to read.

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