Tell your 'what the heck was that thing?' scary story

Was there any telephone poles along the road? If so maybe a transformer exploded.
Oh yes those deadly feris wheels. Doesn't matter if you walk away it can still rolled towards you and smush you

Okay, you did it, you mentioned a ferris wheel. California Adventure Amusement Park has a ferris wheel. It is diabolical. It has stationary car and car on rolls, meaning the car one is sitting in rolls forward, rocks, rolls backwards on a track. The line has two forks. One is for the stationary car that doesn't roll, and one is for the rolling car. You guessed it, I ended up in the line for the rolling car with my two young kids and DH. When one sits in these cars, there are two bench seat with NO SEATBELTS. The two seats face each other and one is essentailly in a cage like box with two benches. The metal mesh that serves as the "window" is too small to fit through one's fingers. Believe me, I tried to hold onto the wire like Garfield on the screen door, but it was too small. Basically the momentum of the wheel, the swinging of the cars, rolls these dang things forward, over a lake and bakwards, until one feels like screaming. I tried to be brave for my kids, but I HATED it. I spent the whole time with my legs stretched out to brace myself not to fly off the seat. Naturally, disembarking from a ferris wheel takes fifty years too.

Lest anyone accuse me of hijacking the thread beuase this doesn't fit in...I got off that thing SO fast that I am sure the blur and gust of air hitting the innocent passersby caused them to wonder..."what the heck was THAt thing?"
Then why did her story have this in it:
Apparently when I had gone to see what the things were all over the front lawn she had heard someone calling her name telling her we had to leave now, because they couldn't hold it back any more and it was hungry again.

I repeate myself, why would it be 'hungry again' when it had dead animals all over the yard that it hadn't and could have eaten!?!​

What difference does it make? Maybe it's a creature that just likes to eat/drink blood? Obviously, dead animals would not have much blood in them.

I don't care if it is a 'story' or something that truly happened to this person, it's still interesting and a good read

not every being that "eats" eats flesh and bone.

I am not a christian, so as you can imagine I do not believe in anything christians believe in, I'm not an atheist either, because if I don't believe in god, why on earth would I believe in satan?

that being said

I know that there are spirits, ghosts, whatever, I do NOT believe in omg coming from hell demons, no, I do however believe that there are "beings" out there, who may not have the best intentions.

a lot of "beings" feed on energy, for example, my great grandmother on my mothers side used to tell me about "dream eaters", which she was told about by HER grandmother and so on down the family line, at any rate, they're said to invade your dreams and that's where nightmares come from, if you ever have a dream about a little gray or black creature that is about 2 feet tall, has a huge head, and a skinny body with three fingered hands and three toed feet, no eyes or possibly just white circles and a "cheshire cat" like mouth, then it is a dream eater.

how do I KNOW this?, I've had dreams with them in them.

Bigfoot, sasquatch, yeti, ect. have been talked about for THOUSANDS of years, native americans used to tell stories of hairy giants, I doubt seriously that LYING was a big thing back then. no body needed fame, there was no money. so what would be the point in lying.

added to the fact that there are HUNDREDS of sighting each year, and only I think 10% of those were proven as hoaxs.

I've also been told of "wood folk", "tree fearies", both from an older gentleman I knew, AND my grandmother on my dads side, they're supposedly tricksters, they like to scare you. I believe I've had experiance with them as well.

point being, I've seen, heard and experienced enough that I wouldn't even bother writting them if I didn't believe or if I was lying.
Back in my early (and wilder) twenties, I was trespassing on a huge farm and was NOT supposed to be there. I had parked my car down the highway and walked half a mile to this person's driveway, one August morning before dawn. I wanted to be on the property at dawn to look around then exit.
I went up the long driveway, saw what I wanted to, then as full daylight hit, I started to panic and knew I did not want to get caught exiting this property while on the very long driveway so i cut through a pasture with known trails I used to ride horse on.
This particular year, animals were not fenced in on this portion of the property so the overgrowth and height of the plants were tremendous, and I am short. I kept going on the trail, and kept going... starting to get nervous as I knew where this trail should have led to. Eventually, I came to the edge of a hayfield. Across this hayfield stood an older white house, with one large tree by it. I did not see an attached garage, or any garage or shed for that matter. No vehicles around either.
The thing that struck me as odd is that I no longer heard anything, like birds, and there was smoke curling up from a brick chimney on the roof. Someone had a fire going in August?
I thought about going to this house to ask where I was, but surely this neighbor who I had accidentally found would mention to the people with a large farm that someone was running around and they might know it was me

So I backtracked my path and at some point could hear things again and cars that helped guide me to the highway and back to my car.
Later it occurred to me that NO WAY could there have been a home there... I was in this guy's pasture and I would have had to cross a fence to get out of his pasture!!!!
Even later, I checked to make sure he had not sold a land parcel that someone could have built on, and checked to see if he had any new neighbors, but no, I had experienced this in his PASTURE. The house did not exist!
Have you looking on google maps to see if you could find that house? Maybe you could see it with the satellite, or at least get a good look around.

I just did that now..... no house in the area I would have been wandering! There is a new house, but way south of the area I was wandering. This was 20 years ago that this happened. I can see that house clearly, and was not intoxicated or such at the time. That is really the only strange thing that has ever happened to me.
shouldn't really say. I had no evil intentions though. Misguided and crazy, yes, but not evil

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