Temperament vs. Heat Tolerance

Counting chickens

6 Years
Jan 2, 2018
South of Waco...
I'm in Central Texas, and despite the temps the last week (14 degrees? wth?) hot weather is our norm.
Our Neighbor swears by Orpingtons for gentleness, but I understood them to not be great with the heat? Suggestions? I will have them in a tractor, and will try to free range them on pasture later...
I live in Alabama and my RIRs and leghorns did great here even though it may now be as hot as where you are. RIRs are known to have "aggressive individuals" though, and one of my girls unfortunately fell into that category. I also had barred rocks and they are very sweet and did fine in the summer with temps in the 80s and 90s normally.
I live in Alabama and my RIRs and leghorns did great here even though it may now be as hot as where you are. RIRs are known to have "aggressive individuals" though, and one of my girls unfortunately fell into that category. I also had barred rocks and they are very sweet and did fine in the summer with temps in the 80s and 90s normally.
I have the opposite experience - my br’s hate me and my rir is my besty
I'm in the desert. I have Australorps. They do ok here, as long as you can keep one that might go broody in the higher summer heat from sitting on a nest. I had one insistant hen die this past summer that way. I have heard that Australorps do well in other colder states, too.

I have heard that the Naked Necks also do well in higher heat places, so I picked up a few of those almost a month ago, and will be checking them out.
I have the opposite experience - my br’s hate me and my rir is my besty
yeah RIRs seem to be hit or miss as far as temperament. I had two a few years ago that I got at the same time. One grew up to be great and very inquisitive and nice, and the other was mean as a snake. She would lunge at me and scratch me every time i went up there to feed or give treats. I've had two sets of barred rocks though, and they have always been the sweetest and everything I've read says they're very docile, but each chicken has its own personality so there's always a chance you'll get a meanie!
Any large combed breed should be considered by you. Leghorns, RiRs, etc. The larger the comb the better the heat tolerance. Pick a few then check for disposition of each breed.[/QUOTE
My buff orpington has a large comb and was miserable all summer in the heat
Orpington hen:
download (5).jpeg

Large combed breed hen (RIR):
images (3).jpeg

Orpingtons are not a large comb breed. There are even larger combed breeds than RIRs too.

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