The 10th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!!

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It was a rare breeds auction. So Ended up with 5+ of SFH eggs, 5+ of the hen choice between Ayam Cemani, Mosaics, Copper Marans, Blue Birchen Marans, Olive Eggers, Swedish Flower Hens, White Bresse, Barbezieux, Legbars, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Brakels, Silver laced Orpingtons, Altsteirers, Silver Campine, Isbars - and then 10+ of White Breese.
I'm not even familiar with some of these breeds. I believe Mosiacs are Gold Feathers Farm exclusive breed if I remember correctly.

Oh wow that’s awesome!!!
Has I known about quail before I got chickens I may not have gotten chickens.

Quail are easy peasy.
They do not require a lot of room, nothin near what a chicken needs.
I am not a builder of things. I built quail cages all by myself.
Kiki's Quail Cage Build

They lay eggs daily.
IF you handle them daily from hatch they can be the sweetest little birds ever.
Home grown quail meat is the best meat I have even eaten.
(I've not yet raised meat birds.)

My quail don't free range so I don't worry about predators, my cages are predator proof.

One 50 pound bag of food has fed 22 quail for four full weeks so far and it is not empty. I probably have a good week plus still left in the bag.
What am I missing?

Do you need some quail eggs to hatch?

Egg pusher! I'm thinking about it. I have a small coop that I've used as a brooder for chicks, but I mostly hatch chickens under a broody. It's just sitting empty, but the downside is there is very little light in the coop unless the door to the run is open.

I'll look at the Cage build when I have a chance.

Do they need nestboxes? Can you raise them with chicks? How long do they need heat for after hatching? (since they lay in 6 ish weeks, I'm assuming they feather in really quickly) Can they handle cold/heat well? Would they go in on their own at night, if they have a run? (that is the ONLY reason I do not have ducks, we are in critterville) I had turkeys once and they never went inside, so they got picked off and I had to give the last 2 away.
Egg pusher! I'm thinking about it. I have a small coop that I've used as a brooder for chicks, but I mostly hatch chickens under a broody. It's just sitting empty, but the downside is there is very little light in the coop unless the door to the run is open.

I'll look at the Cage build when I have a chance.

Do they need nestboxes? Can you raise them with chicks? How long do they need heat for after hatching? (since they lay in 6 ish weeks, I'm assuming they feather in really quickly) Can they handle cold/heat well? Would they go in on their own at night, if they have a run? (that is the ONLY reason I do not have ducks, we are in critterville) I had turkeys once and they never went inside, so they got picked off and I had to give the last 2 away.
They lay eggs all over the place so far
Funny that the topic of quail came up, I was actually quietly looking into them not all that long ago. Err, not that I was so far into looking into them that I was actually planning out a location to put an aviary or taking note of places to get hatching eggs or anything...
innocent whistle.gif

Do they need nestboxes? Can you raise them with chicks? How long do they need heat for after hatching? (since they lay in 6 ish weeks, I'm assuming they feather in really quickly) Can they handle cold/heat well? Would they go in on their own at night, if they have a run?

Would love to see responses to all of this, but specifically what I put in bold here. I've seen a lot of conflicting information on whether they can be kept with or even near chickens. Everything from people putting quail pens in the same coop as the chickens, to posts proclaiming that all of your quail will die a horrible death from disease unless you keep them in conditions akin to a total quarantine from any chickens. So, to add to the above, those of you who do have chickens and quail, do you keep them totally separate? Would it end in disaster if, for example, free-ranging chickens were able to wander around the outside of the quail pen, essentially sharing the same air space?
Funny that the topic of quail came up, I was actually quietly looking into them not all that long ago. Err, not that I was so far into looking into them that I was actually planning out a location to put an aviary or taking note of places to get hatching eggs or anything... View attachment 1683960

Would love to see responses to all of this, but specifically what I put in bold here. I've seen a lot of conflicting information on whether they can be kept with or even near chickens. Everything from people putting quail pens in the same coop as the chickens, to posts proclaiming that all of your quail will die a horrible death from disease unless you keep them in conditions akin to a total quarantine from any chickens. So, to add to the above, those of you who do have chickens and quail, do you keep them totally separate? Would it end in disaster if, for example, free-ranging chickens were able to wander around the outside of the quail pen, essentially sharing the same air space?

You'll get varying responses about raising quail and chickens together. I decided that if I have quail in location A on one side of the yard and chickens in location B on the other, but wild birds and wind and bugs and whatever else visit both locations, what difference does it make? My quail are in an aviary in the backyard with my chickens. The chickens can't get in, but they walk around the outside. That's the extent of it. Granted, I haven't been doing it for long, about six months, but no issues so far.

PS- if BullChick tells you it's my fault she has quail, she's projecting her weakness to resist onto me.
You'll get varying responses about raising quail and chickens together. I decided that if I have quail in location A on one side of the yard and chickens in location B on the other, but wild birds and wind and bugs and whatever else visit both locations, what difference does it make? My quail are in an aviary in the backyard with my chickens. The chickens can't get in, but they walk around the outside. That's the extent of it. Granted, I haven't been doing it for long, about six months, but no issues so far.

PS- if BullChick tells you it's my fault she has quail, she's projecting her weakness to resist onto me.
You'll get varying responses about raising quail and chickens together. I decided that if I have quail in location A on one side of the yard and chickens in location B on the other, but wild birds and wind and bugs and whatever else visit both locations, what difference does it make? My quail are in an aviary in the backyard with my chickens. The chickens can't get in, but they walk around the outside. That's the extent of it. Granted, I haven't been doing it for long, about six months, but no issues so far.

PS- if BullChick tells you it's my fault she has quail, she's projecting her weakness to resist onto me.

Good to know, thanks for the response. :) I guess quail isn't as much of an impossibility for me as I initially believed... Not that I had any imminent plans on getting them or anything, honest... :oops:

Gee, maybe I can relate to that weakness to resist... :p
Good to know, thanks for the response. :) I guess quail isn't as much of an impossibility for me as I initially believed... Not that I had any imminent plans on getting them or anything, honest... :oops:

Gee, maybe I can relate to that weakness to resist... :p
I saw a thread once where the quail were on top and the chickens were on the bottom of a coop.

The theory is that quail can get sick if they are exposed to chicken manure. Apparently it only happens if the chickens have whatever it is that makes the quail sick. Chickens are not supposed to get sick from the quail though.
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