The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Here's my final count. I started with 77 eggs. 7 of those aren't due til the 28th, so my set count was actually 70. Of those, 43 went into lockdown. Of those, 36 hatched. Here's a breakdown:

Heinz 57 - set 36, hatched 24
Phoenix - set 4, hatched 3
NN - set 3, hatched 3
Serama - set 3, none hatched
Swedish duck - set 1, hatched 1
Coturnix quail - set 8, hatched 4
Button quail - set 16, hatched 1

So, if hatch rate is based on number set, my rate is 51%. If it's based on number at lockdown, my rate is 84%.
Okay, it is day 24 and time to call it quits on the remaining eggs in my incubator.
My total hatch was 21 chicks out of 35 that made it to day 18. Only 4 out of 14 shipped eggs hatched but 17 out of 21 of my Pita Pinta, PP/Cream Legbar mix, and Langshan eggs hatched. My breed count is 3 Pita Pintas, 11 PP/Cream Legbar mixes, 6 Langshans, and 1 Langshan mix.

Here is an Easter morning pic of some of the chicks:

Ok final hatch count is 11 chicks hatched.
Not the best but at least I got some. Had 1 that got stuck after zipping and completely shrink wrapped while I was at work. He was gone by the time I made it home.

So here are the counts:

MIL Backyard Flock 3/12
BCM (shipped) 5/14
EE Banty (shipped) 3/13

Was REALLY hoping for more...Oh well. Just means I need to keep trying right?

I'm guessing the shipping might have had a hand with the low rates for the BCM and Bantys but my MIL eggs I'm not sure. She bought her flock as adults and don't know the age of any so that might be a factor there. 4 Eggs were clear from the get go with no development. She's still happy with the ones she got and is saving me yet more eggs to hatch for her.
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I guess I am still hatching.... Well, not me, but broodies and the Brinsea Mini Advance Ex incubator. I did set the broody eggs a day late and the incubator eggs two days late.

Three chicks hatched under two broodies on Easter, the singleton in one nest got smushed with hen traffic, but the other two are mothered by a banty EE who isn't allowing ANY hen into HER bucket.

Sparkle the House Silkie is still on her assigned eggs but no pips as far as I can see. She's done very well for the first three times I gave her eggs but this time...... Not sure .....

However, two eggs in the Brinsea hatched this morning so I am pretty jazzed. So far, I have three live Penedesenca chicks and one live BCM chick.

I subscribe to the belief that ANY chick hatched is a miracle!
This Edible Easter Contest was the toughest contest to judge so far. So many amazing entries, and we had a very difficult time narrowing this one down. I am not a creative person, so you all have exceeded my expectations of this contest!

We looked at creativity, use of materials, as well as the final look of the Edible Designs to judge the winning entries.

1st Place goes to:


2nd Place goes to:


And 3rd Place goes to:


Congratulations to the winners and Thank You to everyone that participated!
This Edible Easter Contest was the toughest contest to judge so far. So many amazing entries, and we had a very difficult time narrowing this one down. I am not a creative person, so you all have exceeded my expectations of this contest!

We looked at creativity, use of materials, as well as the final look of the Edible Designs to judge the winning entries.

1st Place goes to:


2nd Place goes to:


And 3rd Place goes to:


Congratulations to the winners and Thank You to everyone that participated!

Congrats to all of you!!! Those are WONDERFUL entries!!!
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