The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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And video editing. I just took a picture from google images and put stamps on it. So simple and fun.

cool!!! can't wait to to try it: )
One of my new babies was getting her new tail feathers picked at and was bleeding, so I washed the blood off and had her in my lap while she dried. Princess Buttercup decided that she wanted in my lap at the same time.

Don't get me wrong, I am as pleased as punch... but what about me says "give me free hatching eggs"? haha people just keep handing them over. these 39 eggs makes 63 free eggs this year... so far

3 marans, 6 black sumatra bantams, 6 lavender OEGB, 12 blue and splashed Ameraucana bantams, and 12 cubalaya bantams.

No Fair!
We have another special prize to give away. We decided on this quite a while ago, but haven't had the chance to announce it yet.
We are giving a one time Special Hatcher Award of a 6 month GFM to......

Corny Caleb

for being the first ever member to hatch an Emu in the Easter Hatchalong! With a 53 day incubation, that's a lot of waiting! We all enjoyed the videos of the other 2 emu chicks hatching! We're sorry the Easter chick didn't make it.

You still deserve a round of applause!

So happy they did this for you! It was great watching, and waiting, but didn't have to wait the wait you did! Thank you for sharing the videos! They are getting so big, just beautiful! Congratulations!
Noticed something about one of my 3.5 wk old GLWs today. One of them has odd feathers, where the others all have flat/straight feathers, hers are curled in at the ends toward her body. Its almost "slightly frizzled". Anyone know what would cause that? Its actually kind of cute, if she will let me, I'll get a pics. She has a newly aquired teenage attitude and doesn't like being messed with. She has the "if I want you, I'll come to you" attitude.
I had 8 more babies hatch, out of 10 that went into lock down,,, just a few photos... :p
Group shot..That's a paint on the right. Wondering what that white one is up on the right.
It has a smoky look to it on the head and neck. A tiny tot at the bottom. :)

Blue Splash

Another blue splash. :)
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