The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Here are my eggs that I set yesterday.

96 of 'em.

This is what my son-in-law and myself built last weekend:

Some of the hens atarted laying in them right off and others won't lay in them at all. Aw well, maybe it will grow on hem and they'll lay in them before long.
Setting 38...The most I have ever set.
I love my auto turners when I hatch using styros. A word of advice though. When though they have forty two positions, latest models have a cap over the position closest to the turner motor. That little puppy generates a lot of heat. I have never hatched an egg in that spot. As you have four spare positions, move the egg closest to the motor .
Here's my official count... 35 LF mixed chicken eggs (my own stock); 4 Rouen duck eggs (I know, I know... it's a week late for the duck eggs, but my 3 Rouen hens surprised me 3 days ago by starting to lay! I gotta check fertility, to make sure "Little Man" is doing his job!). The 4 duck eggs are in the center... big white eggs. French Black Copper Marans eggs, Ameraucana eggs, and the rest are brown-layer eggs (RIR, Buff Orps, GLW, Black Australorp, White Jersey Giants... possible Lav Orps, Lemon Barred Maran Orps, and Cochins). All covered by the same first 7 breeds in roos.

soooooo did you all

SET THE EGGS?!?!?!? hhahahahah

been raining all day here in NC and I have been so depressed that I couldn't do this hatch! my fingers are crossed for you all! im so excited to see all of these babies in 21 days!
I took pictures of the chooks with my dad earlier and they sure are beautiful! ill post them in a few.
Thanks for letting me play along in the other categories. And I already KNOW I'll want chicks! I'm crossing my fingers for you all!! If I can win that mini incubator, maybe next year!

Don't know what I'm doing, but these are in the incubator...
The turkey eggs of the HAL are in the top rack (right side that got cut off - you can see part of one of them).
The rest of the chicken eggs are on the bottom 2 rows - 3 racks that hold 48 eggs each (144) minus 10 for the turkey eggs I set today from my quad.

We have wheaten/blue wheaten Ameraucanas from my own flock, BCMs from ChickieLady, black bantam Cochins, chocolate bantam Cochin project, chocolate bantam Orps and maybe a couple BBS bantam 50% English Orp eggs. I actually had over a dozen more eggs to set and no room for them. I managed to make the room I did for the eggs I set by combining the other eggs together on trays (3 other hatch dates on those top 2 trays) and marking them.

As you can see, I have eggs in lock down, too.

I will be setting these a day early. I am letting them rest longer than normal after their horrible trip - one I posted about over 20 pages ago. I will start turning them again tomorrow. I hope I get something to hatch from these eggs. I am not very hopeful, though.
Here are a couple of babies who hatched yesterday...they'll be the big siblings of my Easter chicks!
These are OE and BCM babies of my own chickens...I"m so excited...and I wasn't going to hatch any chickens this year. Right! I love my new camera that I got for my birthday last year. It takes much better detail than my old one. Now if I can jsut learn how to use the manual features on it....they may work even better for up close photography.

OK OFFICIAL HATCH NUMBERS In the brinsea 19 white marans,shipped eggs Tenn. to Calif. 4 turkins/cochin bantam crosses, 1 brown leghorn/cream crested legbars, Total there 24 eggs.

In the Dickie , 30 wheaten marans, 3 turkin/cochin bantam crosses, 18 blue / green eggs , 3 brown leghorn/cream crested legbars eggs.
Total there 54 eggs
grand total 78 eggs for the 2014 Easter Hatch a long I am out of my mind,yep yes I am

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