The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Okay...timing of this really stinks....!!!! But, I have an R-Com incubator which is the ONLY incubator I wanted running right now...... it has for some reason stopped turning.
It has a wheel that turns and makes the bottom tray slide back and forth which rolls the rollers and makes the eggs turn. I have been using this for parrot eggs because it turns them so gently. I have eggs in it now, including my hatch-a-long pheasants and ducks. I fired up another bator to transfer eggs to if needed. (Really, I'm going to need more space for chicken eggs on Friday anyways...
) Was hoping to keep duck and chicken separate...

Does anybody know this incubator and might you be familiar with this problem?

I'm not familiar with it. Hope you can figure it out!
Congrats on your new bator

Panthers are not technically a species. The term panther refers most often to black leopards and black jaguars, which are actually just melanistic individuals. Panthera is the genus of large cats. The Florida Panther is really a puma and is the same color as a mountain lion.
In what state did your friend see these? Possibly melanistic puma? Where I live in Southern CA, black jaguars have been seen. They are more common in Mexico and South America.

Cat lesson of the night

I hope your cold is gone!
There's a black panther parked in my driveway

Happy Chooks, when I ave some cash I'd really like some of your Wellie eggs. Unless you have a nice extra boy around.

OK......The divas are killing me!!!!! I've been saving eggs since Saturday and have a little over 2 flats, but most are EE. OE. may Lav egg project and some of my pure bantams. Not a single egg from my LF breeding pens!! We got a little rain today and we'll have a little more and then they say the weekend is going to be the start of maybe 10 days straight. Granted we NEED it, but these birds think they are pets that don't have to give a return. Ya don't lay you don't help with the feed bills and I can't afford ya. I wonder how they'll all feel if I have to get rid of them and since they won't lay, they become a meal. Bet that would fry their butts! I guess we'll see what happens/ I can always run mixed chicks to the auction to seel for food costs, but the hold outs are driving me crazy.

Mishap again with the Sportsman. The turner arm dropped again. I went to HD and got something I hope will help, but to tired and achy to take it apart tonight, so hope I can get it done early tomorrow.
Hallo, i'm Joing too, from Aruba

I will hatch
15 layers (hyline)hen x barred plymoth rock eggs
12 ameraucana pure breed eggs
12 easter egger x ameraucana eggs and 3 Arubian jungle fowl x ameraucana eggs
A total of 42 eggs but i have to start march 31 because normaly some eggs hatch on day 19 and some day 20 explly my ameraucana pure and cross breeds and it will be my first time hatching barred plymouth rock x hyline eggs and the Arubian jungle fowl x ameraucana

Greating from Aruba
Hallo, i'm Joing too, from Aruba

I will hatch
15 layers (hyline)hen x barred plymoth rock eggs
12 ameraucana pure breed eggs
12 easter egger x ameraucana eggs and 3 Arubian jungle fowl x ameraucana eggs
A total of 42 eggs but i have to start march 31 because normaly some eggs hatch on day 19 and some day 20 explly my ameraucana pure and cross breeds and it will be my first time hatching barred plymouth rock x hyline eggs and the Arubian jungle fowl x ameraucana

Greating from Aruba
Ok, let me clarify what my friend told me then. She told me of huge black cats (Panthers) roaming around where she lives. They had some big cat take their German Sheppard a few years back. That is what she told me anyhow.

I believe that's what you were told.
We thought we saw one crossing the road at night near our farm about 50 years ago.

the below quotes are from the Missouri Department of Conservation.

"~•Mountain lion, cougar, puma, panther, painter and catamount are all different names for the same animal (Puma concolor). •"

•“Black panthers” are not native to North America, but they do exist as melanistic (black color) phases of the leopard (Panthera pardus) found in Africa and Asia
and the jaguar (Panthera onca) of Mexico and Central and South America. Throughout its range, no melanistic (black) mountain lion has ever been documented by science."

Looks like a good separation technique, though I would put paper towel or something on the bottom to give them footing to avoid leg issues. Hmm, may have to go get some strawberries ...

the basket is from Beef Steak tomatoes, has air holes and the lid snaps shut. They fit perfectly in the Genesis incubator too! The shelf liner is washed in a clothes washer and ready for the next hatch.

I'd put a big rubber band around it too. I did that once and all the little Houdinis escaped.
I use mesh bags now and zip tie the opening.

Cat lesson of the night
When I get far behind on a thread, someone else has already commented or answered a question.
Good morning !! Everybody know what day it is?? That's right it's Wednesday . That means I need another cup of coffee!!! Have a great day everyone!!!
I do... But they are store bought usually. I usually... um... SET ALL THE EGGS!
I have put 3 dozen of my blue wheaten/wheaten Ameraucana eggs in the fridge. I am about to put #4 in there. It makes me sad I have no more incubator space. I weep for those potential chickies.


My turkey poults from Meyer should be here tomorrow morning!

Im the same way I love my eggs and proud to see a fridge full but so sad to know they could have been hatched. I try my best to set eggs often or to sell others to other hatching addicts like us.
I feel like I haven't eaten an egg in weeks. But that will end soon, I plan to use 2 dozen eggs today to make some quiches.

And YAY for your turkey poults!
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