The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Can we get a broody roll call?

I have two of them Who else??

I have a broody silkie. I will post my numbers tomorrow when I know what I'll have to put under her. I have Seramas, silver pheasants and call ducks in the incubator.....not all are going to be timed right for the Easter hatch though...
I could be wrong, but all of the pictures on the official brinsea site show it the other way? I can't imagine that it matters that much, unless it just "sckootches" the eggs instead of turning them.
Well, good to know! I haven't had turning issues in the three hatches I have done with it, but I'll give it a try the correct way now. You're eggs look good! What breed are they?
SoManyHats... He isn't on now, but will be later.  You will get an answer.  I know that he lets his sit in the bator for 5 days..because I also asked.  With reg. temp.  If you have extra bad air sacs, maybe you should wait a little longer before turning. 
Do you have some setting ..  Out..?   For that long?  If so, I would recommend putting them in the bator..sitting up for a while longer.  
ron, I hope I got most of that right.  :)

I put them in the incubator last night. :)
Its time.... Will we get the traditional Siamese coloring?

Going to have kittens soon!
How's she doing?

An update on my yolk chick, He escaped his cup and is running around the brooder. Seems no worse for wear but still has a chunk of dried up yolk attached to his belly. I'm just glad he's not dragging it around behind him anymore. Now a question. This time around I had 3 chicks pip who never zipped and died sometime in 24-48 hours after pipping and had 4 who were alive at lockdown and never pipped at all and died. Also had 2 Sticky sticky chicks (1 isn't doing so hot). The other 17 hatched perfectly fine on their own even if they pipped wrong. My temp was a steady 99-100 with 33-37 humidity during incubation and 98.5-99.5 with a 65-70's humidity during lockdown....What did I do wrong? Mind you they were all shipped eggs so I'm not sure if that had something to do with it or not. I'll be posting Chick pics tomorrow afternoon and also will be setting my eggs a little late, tomorrow afternoon sometime.
Hmmm I would like to set this. Did I miss the set date??

My you have funny looking feet.

Bahahah, no I just popped in and saw over a thousand posts and said nope! lol

In other news, my remaining cochin bantam went broody! Does that count for the hatchalong if I stick em under her at noon tomorrow? xD

I'm finally dragging coworkers to our swing dance tonight!! xD Gonna be a swingin good time xD
And we're finally having our square dance tomorrow night! Gotta break out my boots!

I've been enjoying the sunshine with all our boarders this afternoon, though I wish the wind would give me a break lol my ears are ringing!

Yes, eggs under your broody count towards the hatchalong. Have a fun night dancing!

Please count me in! I almost missed this

Will set 55 Cream Legbar eggs on Sat!

Getting nice and warm in Kansas and hope everyone has a GREAT HATCH

I got a broody!!

I will be setting eggs for the hatch-a-long also. I will set 30 Buckeye eggs, 18 Barred Rocks, 7 Lavender Ameraucana, 11 BuckyBars and 4 EE eggs.

I'm in, but I have to work 9-6 so mine will be set before noon. I'll be hatching Welsummer and Speckled Sussex
Welcome! No problem on when you set them. We have a +/- 2 day set for those that can't set Saturday.

I made a score today with getting a hold of some new grow out pens!

This is the inside of the box. It already has a perch.

Now I realize it needs some paint yet. My oldest son ( not the one that is hurt) and I replaced the wire the whole way around this afternoon.

This one was a rabbit hutch but I am going to use it for chicks or ducklings.

And the inside..

Maybe not a big deal for some, but I am quite pleased with today!

Great score!
Hi All
I would love to join The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long
I am going to set 6 black silkie's & 6 Lavender Araucana
Good luck to all, happy Hatch-a-long Easter, my gran kids going to love this

She hatched 6
Beautiful broody!

Just skipped about 278 posts... Digest here I come!

Excited about setting eggs tomorrow. Unfortunately my last box of eggs is arriving at my work tomorrow and I won't be there until Monday.
. Oh well. At least I know they will be sitting still for 24 hours!
Those eggs on Monday still count! Be sure to include them in your set numbers!

So I'll be setting at least one incubator tomorrow before I head off to a cousin's wedding. But I might hold off reporting what i set until towards the end of the +/- 2 days range - if all the egg hatching action looks done from this weekend's hatch before deadline, I will attempt to set another incubator too. That will give me three going - the pre-HAL week set, then two for the HAL set. Think if I tell the chicks everyone who hatches before noon tomorrow gets treats every day for life, they will hurry up and hatch?
Just let us know the total when you are finished setting.

I will join!
18 buff orps
2 EE
6 olive eggs
9 brown leghorns x buff orps
18 buckeye
4 BCM x buff orps

57 eggs will go in tomorrow!

My Bourbon Red turkey hen laid her very first egg today!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITED FOR HER TO HATCH OUT HER OWN CLUTCH OF POULTS!

Can you please add me to the list of hatchers, thank you so much!! Not sure yet how many eggs will go in until my girls lay tomorrow. Do we just reply to our original post to let you know how many eggs we set??

TURKEY EEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Found my FIRST one of the season(well 2 but one was shell-less)

Im saving them up for the Cinco De Mayo hatch
Beautiful egg!

Its time.... Will we get the traditional Siamese coloring?

Going to have kittens soon!
Awwww, can't wait to see the kittens!

So far I am up to 383 eggs set but will be picking up more local eggs on sunday and if I am lucky my last delivery will arrive tomorrow.
Wow, you are going to have a lot of chicks to brood!

I want to join I will be setting some BBS Marans

I just got 2 dozen eggs today, and then happened to see this thread just in time! I want to Hatch-a-long! Easter babies sounds so cute, not to mention fun!

This is my first time ever... I am trying to hatch some eggs from Lavender Ameraucana eggs. My hen is broody ( I think) and have 7 eggs to put under her. I am nervous. I really want this to work.

Do I just post on this thread how many eggs I set or do I pm somebody?
Yes please. Just post on this thread.

Quote: I would let them sit another day, but I'm not an expert on this stuff.
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