The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Pip or soccer damage? I am not sure.

I got her out by my self she's really pretty. Right before I took her out a loud mouth RIR X Barred Rock popped so I took him out too. Does anyone know if Barred Rock Hen crossed with RIR roo would produce auto sex? This guy has a very clear bright spot on his head...

Any more out @Mama Bay

I think I read someone else say they had this issue and someone told them to put the egg small end up so the chick will turn toward the air cell. I am not positive though! I'm hoping someone will see this and respond because everyone's posts are getting lost, mine did. Good luck though
@gevshiba at Day 19, it will probably do more harm putting the pointing end up. What if it doesn't change position and pips on the bottom and then it will have no chance. IMO just lay it down and see how it goes. However, there are more experienced people her than I am.
Was worrried but three are out and a couple more pipped. I have turkey eggs waiting to go in.
any sizzles yet? great to hear your progress!

There are some albino trees in the Redwood forests of California. They actually survive off of a type of parasitism by fusing their roots with the normal trees
really?! thats so neat! they cant live without it?
I broke the rules and took it out for a few quick photos.


It has something hanging out of its navel still, and it seems to be drying up... it still may not make it though.

I've seen a lot of albinos but never a chicken. Very cool! :thumbsup
I bet the comb and wattles will be pretty normal. I'm guessing pink legs too???

I'll rent u my bator it is magical!! Almost every time I turn it on a hen goes broody. I just got it in February and when I plugged it in to heat it up next morning I went out and there was a broody this has happened to me 3 times!!

I have one of those too!:gig

Question - the directions say to take the red plastic plugs out to allow more air in the incubator after hatching - with 1 hatched, 1 in process & 4 more not started, I took out 1! Help!!

Sounds right. Congrats!
Went to bed at 4:00 AM. Its 7:00 AM central now and I have 5 more hatched. Sill have 11 hours left before hatch day for some eggs and 17 hrs for some.
Total score 15 so far!

Getting harder and harder to tell these chicks apart! (Except One)

Anyone wants to play guess the breed game?
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This is pretty much the method I follow and I've got at least 12 chicks running about. I use a foam incubator. I don't add any water till lock down, the humidity in my room is only about 45% though. When I add the water the hygrometer reading is about 60-62%. I don't have a hygrometer that goes inside, it's just one of those tiny cheapo room ones that I think came with table top humidifier. I just straddle it across one of the vent plug holes. I leave one vent plug in and one out till about 14 days then I pull the other one.

I've never gotten much better than a 50% hatch rate, but I don't candle and pull the clears. I KNOW there must be some clears in there. I'll try to check all the eggs when it's done and see.

Can someone tell me how to officially calculate hatch rate? If you candle and remove them if they are clear or have stopped developing for whatever reason, do you still count those?

Swampducks, I think the methods described may be sound but not the handling of the plugs. It says to leave the plugs out until day 18 - To put in one plug in at day 18 - To put the 2nd in at the first pip. As I have been told in this forum, that causes there to be not enough oxygen for the chicks as they hatch. Reading your post, I don't think you handle the plugs as described in the article. I'm glad you were able to get your chicks to hatch. I wish I had an answer to your question about hatch rate. I am going to read the response you get to know that for the future as well.
One of my eggs started to zip last night, but then stopped it's membrane looks a little dry. Humidity is at 70%, little bit of condensation on the windows. Two other eggs in the incubator are pipped, one other egg is zipping, but what I can see of the membrane looks fine. Not sure if I should do anything at this point for the one that stopped zipping, or just keep my fingers crossed. I had three more hatch overnight.
I seem to have misplaced the adapter for my Brinsea Eco-Glow 20. Can someone who uses it read me off their adapter how much is the output voltage? Brinsea's plate does not say what input it will take. I will see if I can find an appropriate one at a local hardware store.
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