The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

@mlm Mike

Final Totals: 28 set, 10 hatched.

18 shipped eggs, 3 hatched
10 homegrown eggs, 7 hatched

Here's the first 8, the last two (shipped) were a day later and had some unabsorbed yolk so are still resting in the incubator.
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Chick hatching update. Day 22.

Came home to the incubator crashed upside down on the living room floor.

14 chicks mostly still in the shells dead. Plus one undeveloped and 2 quitters that were grape sized. There are 21 eggs that we placed back into the incubator. Several are still peeping. We've got a rice bag inside the bator to help bring the temp back up. I will be surprised if any of these survive. Will keep you updated.
Do you have any idea how that happened?
Update - all but one of the eggs I set for Easter got fried. The one that did hatch, hatched about a week ago. Why so early? Silly, me, I thought it was a Muscovy egg, but looks like I was wrong. Cause of death for the eggs was probably the massive temp spike in the Janoel. Measured the shell temp on the eggs at 106 degrees. Sigh... Live and learn.

Bummer, I'm sorry.

what's wrong with its leg? How do I fix it ? Won't put any pressure on it or extend the leg
Is the hock joint swollen? If it is a slipped tendon, unfortunately, I've not had any luck fixing it and have always ended up putting the chick down.

When are final counts due? Easter Day final count? 7 days after? We had 12 hatch by the end of Easter Day but I'm leaving the rest in the incubator and crossing my fingers
As soon as possible. We're hoping to have all the numbers in by the end of the week. I know some people still have chicks hatching.
Lol, I just noticed my screen name on the first page says sunshinechick98 instead of 83. I find it particularly funny because it's my birth year. I'm 15 years yonger!! :)
When a chick has spraddle leg, and you hobble it, how long do you keep the hobble on? I hobbled the little guy on Saturday, I think? It was running all over the place today, so I took the hobble off. It is walking on it's feet, but still has a bit of a waddle, rather than a walk. Should I have left the hobbling equipment on a bit longer?

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