The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

Update: No I can't sleep :caf
I'm too excited!!! :celebrate
I've counted 13 pips or peeps? Is that what you call it when the shell is breaking off from them
from within? The quail! They be coming out!!! :weee

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Total set was 41 of my mixed eggs. I have a semi-broody but not sure she's committed. If she remains on the nest for a few more days she will be separated and given her own quarters with a clutch of eggs. Unfortunately, she decided to go broody a tad late to count in my numbers.
Quote: Agree with Ron. I've accidentally had an egg or two in upside down during incubation and they did pip the wrong end. Sometimes Barnevelder eggs are really hard to tell which end is up!

This is my second attempt at hatching. Last time, I candled the eggs and rotated the egg up and down (gently) to see what I could see. I later read that turning the egg can cause stress on the air cell. I'll be Day 7 candling on Wednesday night. I have a candling box. Should I candle narrow end down, or narrow end up? Thanks!
I candle from the wide end (air sac). I can usually see more movement and veining that way.

She looks like my broody cochin who is sitting on a bunch of eggs, and I have a black austrolorp who is sitting on so many eggs she can not possibly hatch them all, I think I'm gonna move her and her eggs. Will she stay on the eggs if I move her?
It really depends on the broody. All of mine would bolt back to the nest they picked out. So I let my hens hatch where they choose (assuming it's safe) and then move the hen and chicks at night once most of them hatch.

Can I still join? I actually didn't see this till just now, but I coincidentally set 12 Blue Andalusia eggs on the 25th at 8pm EST.
Absolutely! Welcome!

turkey went to setting 3-27-17 I think she has 6 or 7 eggs. last time cover by to (sold him) 26 th. February....she raised chicken chicks pretty good but the pols .Most of them were dummys.
maybe I'll plant some chick eggs to guide the turkeys when they hatch. IF THEY HATCH.

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