The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

Here are the last two that hatched. Total of 17..16 NN's, one feathered. That's great. I usually get more feathered.

A blue stripe down the back, and that brown face, oh my.

This little one will have some coloring in the wings too.

Little brown face has some blue going on. Pretty cute.
Will be fun to watch how these grow..the colors!

Looks like 18 out so far.

Still a lot of pips and a couple zipping.

So far all look yellow except for one mix that is black.
Here are the last two that hatched. Total of 17..16 NN's, one feathered. That's great. I usually get more feathered. A blue stripe down the back, and that brown face, oh my. This little one will have some coloring in the wings too. Little brown face has some blue going on. Pretty cute. Will be fun to watch how these grow..the colors!
:love NNs are the cutest!
I can see 1 pip, but its on the wrong end. Never had that before, is there any chance?
It's malpositioned. It might need help to hatch, but it could get itself out just fine. If you need any help assisting, let me know, I'm happy to help you with it. Treat the pip as an internal pip and give it 48 hours before you start to worry that it's stuck.
I have a broody that hatched 1 chick and then abandoned the nest. I put the onter 4 stone cold eggs in the incubator "just to see" and as of today, 3 have hatched. There is a week difference between the chick she hatched and the youngest of the 3 that hatched in the incubator. What is the going opinion about trying to sneak some, if not all 3, of these chicks under Momma?
In my experience, it depends on the broody. It's worth a try to sneak the chicks under her very late tonight. She may take them all as long as she is not stressed. My silkies tend to be very calm and reliable for adoptions.
If she tends to be very flighty or irresponsible though, it's probably not a good idea.
well i put the 6 chicks that i hatched from bought eggs 3 weeks ago in the pen i finished yesterday and moved the momma silkie hen back to her pen with her babies. I may have to move her back to the grow out box if she dont calm down, or take the babies. DH is working on another pen. hopefully it will be done in a few days.

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